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  1. M

    DAINESE D-Tail Motorcycle Tail Bag

    DAINESE D-Tail Motorcycle Tail Bag $129.95 * -Deluxe main compartment with 240 cubic inches of expansion volume -Sleek streamlined air flow surface design -Top organizer pocket -Dual molded side accessory pockets -Integrated hidden rain hood -Reinforced textured neoprene non-slip pad...
  2. A

    Competition werkes tail tidy ?

    Does the ltd tail tidy fit with the passenger pegs installed ? Pics please Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

    TST Industries Integrated Panigale Tail

    Guys, Like many of you I am tired of waiting on empty promises from MotoDynamic on their lamp. I owned their lamp assembly on my prior R6 and loved the quality, fit, and features it offered. Not sure the true, factual issues with them delivering one to us since they do so many other tails...
  4. M

    For Sale Tail Tidy Carbon 899/1199/1299

    I have a brand new carbon fiber tail tidy for sale Ducati 899/959/1199/1299.These are made in the USA 100℅ carbon plain weave matte finish and comes complete with all mounting hardware. $85 shipped SOLD
  5. Z

    new Temi under tail exhaust

    I went ahead and ordered a few Termi under tail full system exhausts for the 1199/1299 arriving this week/ next week if anyone is interested in one let me know! I will be installing it on my 2015 R
  6. E

    Integrated Tail Light ??

    Hey guys. I have had one side of the light go dark. I know its LED and probably a loose solder joint (its not at the connector) but im not going to F with pulling it apart. Problem is I have no idea what brand it was. What brand do you guys like for an integrated light? Thanks
  7. vcyclenut

    chasing my tail please help

    I removed the exhaust and have these two pieces that look like isolators. two thick pieces of rubber I'm now having issues with how the bike runs and I paged through the service manual and don't see them mentioned any where can someone please tell me where they go please and thank you

    1299 Tail Assembly onto 1199?

    Has anyone done this swap? I really dig the rear seat layout on the 959/1299 more. I see a tail on eBay for $660 USD that includes everything including the "tray" the panels assemble to. Will this work, or is the subframe completely different as well?
  9. A

    For Sale 1199 tail bag

    I have a brand new never used Ducati 1199 tailbag from Ducati 150.00 shipped
  10. A

    Anyone recommend a good Fender Eliminator / Tail Tidy?

    We are looking at this but they said we will need to splice into the wires :( R&G Racing Fender Eliminator Ducati 899 / 1199 / 1299 Panigale - RevZilla We are looking for one that's bolt on straight forward no splicing what so ever - if you could recommend one that you've personally...
  11. M

    Competition Werkes Integrated Tail Light/Turn Signal: 1299 / 1199 / 899 / 959

    Competition Werkes Integrated Tail Light/Turn Signal: 1299 / 1199 / 899 / 955 : Clear Was: $234.95 Sale: $199.99 * FREE Shipping Competition Werkes Integrated Tail Light/Turn Signal: 1299 / 1199 / 899 / 955 Panigale: Red Was: $234.95 Sale: $199.95 * FREE Shipping Competition...
  12. T

    For Sale DP tail tidy with DP Euro blinkers

    DP tail tidy with DP Euro blinkers- Sold Have a DP tail tidy with the small Euro LED blinkers up for sale in great shape asking $225 shipped. Was on my 1199 but should also fit 899, 959, 1299.
  13. Somefun

    Rizoma tidy tail and lights

    Hey guys I just installed the Rizoma tidy tail and not the tail lights are not working correctly. They do not light up like they should. I did have one light up at one point however that was the right side light and the turn signal was on the left side. That being said I thought I just had the...
  14. T

    For Sale Ducati Performance Tail Tidy

    Ducati Performance Tail Tidy for the 899, also fits the 959, 1199, 1299 according to the description online. https://amsducati.com/ducati-panigale-carbon-license-plate-holder New goes for $382.12. Ill take $300 shipped anywhere in the Con. U.S.
  15. Tyler1199

    Want To Buy Tricolore tail pieces

    Anyone have left and right tricolore tail pieces? Thanks!
  16. J

    Integrated Tail Light

    For any of you that have the Comp. Werkes integrated tail light, would you mind posting a picture(s)? The more, the merrier! :D Trying to get an idea of whether I want to go with Red or Smoke. Thanks in advance!
  17. M

    Competition Werkes Integrated Tail Light/Turn Signal: 1299 / 1199 / 899 / 959

    Competition Werkes Integrated Tail Light/Turn Signal: 1299 / 1199 / 899 / 955 : Clear Was: $234.95 Sale: $199.99 * FREE Shipping Competition Werkes Integrated Tail Light/Turn Signal: 1299 / 1199 / 899 / 955 Panigale: Red Was: $234.95 Sale: $199.95 * FREE Shipping Competition...
  18. Gecko

    DIY Sequential Tail Light

    The Sequential Tail Light Hi guys There were some posts here during the last months about sequential turn indicators (e.g. http://ducati1299.com/ducati-1199/20557-motodynamic-integrated-tail-light.html). The motodynamic light was never released, so I decided to build a tail light for myself...
  19. M

    DAINESE D-Tail Motorcycle Tail Bag

    DAINESE D-Tail Motorcycle Tail Bag $129.95 * -Deluxe main compartment with 240 cubic inches of expansion volume -Sleek streamlined air flow surface design -Top organizer pocket -Dual molded side accessory pockets -Integrated hidden rain hood -Reinforced textured neoprene non-slip pad...
  20. M

    Velcro - The Ultimate Tail Tidy

    **Please Comment with Feedback** Finally ditched all the BS solutions out there and went with industrial grade 10lbs p/sq.in. Velcro. Works great. Steps: 1) Items needed: 1xRoll of Indust. Velcro, 1xrubbing alcohol, 1xregistered license plate, 1xvice sort of device 2) Remove stock...