Panigale V4 is not a Ducati.. it is just a piece of crap for people who want to SHOW OFF and have to much money and little common sense

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What is Ducati behind on? Electric motorcycles. Ya. That is the future and Ducati is way behind. Her cousin Lamborghini as well as neighbor Ferrari are both doing electric hybrids which are WAY faster than all gas power.
Full electric is not the way to go. It might be in scooters or similar that are meant to drive to local supermarket but not in vehicles like family cars and motorcycles. This will blow away in couple of years and be replaced with hydrogen vehicles. Just wait...
Full electric is not the way to go. It might be in scooters or similar that are meant to drive to local supermarket but not in vehicles like family cars and motorcycles. This will blow away in couple of years and be replaced with hydrogen vehicles. Just wait...
Yeah I’ve been barking abt that for a while. With current tech seems like onboard energy creating is the way to go vs storing energy. We either need better battery tech or universal quick change battery systems

aktualy what we really need is below and would solve the real pandemic of traffic jams

Ya totally, batteries at the moment are the bottleneck. That said, hydrogen fuel cells just make electricity by "reacting hydrogen with oxygen in a fuel cell to power electric motors." They're still electric vehicles.
I've been working on electric vehicles for a few years at Open Motors and Joby Aviation. There are some super kick ass aspects to them, such as 100% usable torque from 0 RPM-Max RPM. Crazy simple parts list, extremely low maintenance, etc. Lightning Motorcycles are getting it figured out and have set a top speed record. No idea how they ride. Looks, mehh. Much prefer Ducati by leaps.
The trouble with hot swappable batteries for motorcycles is they require a much heavier frame as the battery stack takes a lot of space compromising handling and distance per charge. Then there's hardly any charging stations in the Alps yet. ;P Someday.

Speaking of flying things, I started working on this in 2009 . Full electric. Running costs way less than a car. Goes 200MPH for around 150 miles on a charge. 10X quieter than helicopters which means it passes FAA regulations & can land in neighborhoods and down towns in the US.
Just got USAF endorsement for vertical take-off/landing crafts, bought Über's flying taxi department, and funding from Toyota now passed $550million. Production testing in progress now. And no exhaust.

For now, I'm still going for a Panigale V4 and will switch out the stupid exhaust. It just may be the last gas powered motorcycle I buy if I don't also get a Multistrada soon. But that's it, no more. Ok maybe an MV Agusta Brutale for the city. But then that's it I swear.

Full electric is not the way to go. It might be in scooters or similar that are meant to drive to local supermarket but not in vehicles like family cars and motorcycles. This will blow away in couple of years and be replaced with hydrogen vehicles. Just wait...
Lightning bikes are vaporware. LS218 is functional but despite saying it is "for sale," they do not sell it to anyone who intends on riding it. Their new "Strike" bikes are horrendously behind schedule and they basically decided to just release them anyways. Top speed is barely 80mph. Still has a basic diagnostic dashboard with no charge meter (you have to calculate available charge yourself), the battery isn't fully sealed (cells are exposed to the elements), and the carbon is absolutely terrible quality. I doubt their original vision will ever come to fruition.

I have an Energica Ego as my commuter bike and it is great. Crazy heavy, so it doesn't handle particularly well, but super easy to ride and gobs of torque. I'm sure in the right conditions with a good launch, my V4 would beat it off the line, but the Ego will give you a perfect 3.whatever launch every time you fully twist the throttle at a stoplight/sign/etc. Also makes mitigating traffic easy since you're always in the correct gear for emergencies. You are always a throttle twist away from getting out or a brake slam away from stopping without having to downshift in preparation of escaping the guy who is about to rear end you. Makes commuting a breeze.
Yeah unfortunately probably see more n more that bs on here the mods obviously don't care about this place anymore so anything seems to just go. Once the new platform was switched over here its gone downhill by the day.

Some IROC owner decided to create an account just to .... on Ducati owners. It was never going to go well.
DUC (site owner and admin) has always carried the business along on this forum pretty loosely ...

there used to be 3 mods , then some more, of whom the others didn't know about, the down to one (me) and from what i can tell, i'm the last remaining "forum staff" but no more mod tools available, despite 100 requests to DUC and promises for realization after changing the platform. never happened

apparently he was online a couple days back, so he must see the PM's and the threads (if he reads them).

then he probably logs off and signs up as serbian ....-stirrer and posts up quality threads like these. puffs a doobie and calls it a day, while internet strangers argue about opinions.

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