Abs delete

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Jun 11, 2019
Brooklyn ny
Hey has anyone deleted the abs on their v4 yet I just ordered the kit from fren tubo and was wondering if if straight forward thanks in advance
These are just lines, not an abs delete per BSD setup for xx99 panis FYI. Abs unit cannot be removed from V4, it can be plugged then lines can run from masters to calipers - that is simple bike installation process

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These are just lines, not an abs delete per BSD setup for xx99 panis FYI. Abs unit cannot be removed from V4, it can be plugged then lines can run from masters to calipers - that is simple bike installation process

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Can the ABS just be turned off or set at 0? Would that work the same way how you explained it?
I messed around with it and couldn’t figure out if that was possible so I’m going to say no can’t just turn the abs off. I plugged the abs module with the plugs that came with the kit and ran the lines straight from the master well the rear line I still have to do the front work always getting in the way lol
You can turn abs down or off can’t really remember. But that isn’t the point, you still have lines going from master to abs Module to calipers. It is not an ideal setup, with that said - my point of view is track only. I don’t ride on the street.

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You definitely cannot turn ABS all the way off. Rear can be turned off, but that's about it. I believe Euro 4 is when ABS was mandated to be always on for the front, then Euro 5 made it so rear can't be turned off anymore either. Could be wrong about that aspect.
Only rode one v4

Turned everything off before I did but it felt like the system was still slightly interfering


Was one of the reasons I didn’t buy it. Even with everything off it felt more like a game at Dave n busters than a bike
I'm fairly certain you can completely turn off WC and TC. I doubt you were feeling much intervention, and the dash lights up every time it actually is intervening. ABS I believe though.

That feeling you got was likely not any electronics intervening, but the nature of the throttle. Ducati programs the electronic throttle to have different levels of response at different angles. For example, "medium" engine setting smoothes out throttle inputs in the lower 45 degrees of rotation, but still allows precise control in the top 45 degrees. "High" engine setting is the most linear but I believe it still has a degree of progression to it.

Most people who come from cable throttles find it feels odd and disconnected, like the computer is getting involved. It is, just not the way you think it is.
What’s the reason for the ABS delete inquiries on the V4? Panibadboy, post a video of a pro Ducati rider on a “stock” V4S saying verbatim that the ABS is perfect. Am I to assume that he was mistaken?
Ed where those tools brother?

I had already been riding my pani for a couple years so used to the progressive throttle. Didn’t love it, but knew what it was doing and couldn’t wait to tweak on it. Didn’t know about woolich. Thx Duc forum : ) The maps for the throttle is fixed on 14R. One map per power range. I think it just goes off rpm and iap (vacuum)? Why would v4 be looking at other parameters if everything is turned off????
Yeah I don't get why you would want to remove the ABS from a V4? 99% of the guys that buy these things its there first Duc or first bike period so therefore riding to Starbucks and back. The braking performance is not even on the mind rather just getting the bike back home without dropping the damn thing is all the focus.

Panibadboy you ever taken the fairings off these bikes to even understand what's involved in entire system from the master to the abs module to the calipers? It's a mess man.

What’s the reason for the ABS delete inquiries on the V4? Panibadboy, post a video of a pro Ducati rider on a “stock” V4S saying verbatim that the ABS is perfect. Am I to assume that he was mistaken?
It is a mess. I removed the ABS aspect of the rear brake lines to clean it up a bit, and the lines themselves needed to be changed to accommodate some geometry changes. The stock lines are atrocious. Basically entirely composed of those rigid sections that make working out clearance issues virtually impossible. Very annoying to work with.
I was of course being facetious, I was just pointing out the hypocrisy that exists in the “fanboy” club. “It’s the best braking system ever”. Uh well no, we don’t actually use it ourselves but uh, you should cause Luigi said so.

The fact that Ducati is making it more difficult with every revision for the owner to exercise autonomy in their customization while at the same time doing nothing with regard to addressing their atrocious electrical system reliability says a lot.

Pretty soon you will have to take the bike to the dealership to get gas
Well when ya have 12’ of brake line maybe it’s a good thing that part of it is good old fashioned steel?

“Pretty soon you will have to take the bike to the dealership to get gas” no ....
I removed the abs because I don’t like the feel at all I’m no pro rider but been on bikes for 20 years and this isn’t my first duc I got a 996 and 1198 just preference for me to make it feel a little better
Good post Brooklyn V4. Take note, this is feedback from “one of us” not a Brand sponsored pro rider helping Luigi sell something that rider doesn’t use on his own bike. I’m guessing this ABS poop is some mandated safety BS that the manufacturers are in on.
You guys realize that abs is required on every bike built and sold in Europe? It’s not an engineering choice or option. ABS is required, legally. Blaming Ducati for ABS pumps or that fact that non-abs has better lever feel is a ridiculous waste of time. If you feel you’re more expert than the algorithm or you just like the feel better and don’t care about the safety net by all means bypass it. This whole discussion is another pointless bunch of jerking off.
What about Zimbabwe, is it mandatory there?
I bet not. They are probably way ahead of the ABS delete game.
I’m not too sure why all the complaining about the ABS. It definitely gives a little bit of a softer feel compared to other non ABS systems but has not bothered me much and i trail brake at over 100mph in some corners. However, everyone has their own preference for feel so I get it to a degree. I bleed fluid through before every track day so it’s fresh and my lever isn’t all that spongy. Until I’m running some seriously fast lap times (like top of A group) I’m good on stock brakes (vesrah pads) with ABS set on lowest setting. On my home track I go from 170 mph to 40-50 for a hairpin quickly and have yet to have ABS interfere. The few times I’ve had electronic interference have mostly been during riding on a wet track.

The Vesrah pads are a huge improvement over stock too, feel stronger, smoother, and trail so much better. Between good pads and well bled lines thanks to speed bleeder valves it’s given a stronger feel overall.
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