There are guys who can ride anything, and win. There are guys who can do impressive lap times with small bikes. Those are few and rare talents. Then there are guys who can only ride their one bike set up exactly that one way or it's hopeless. They exist even on the MotoGP grid.
The list of guys who can't figure out a Ducati is pretty long and less interesting hahahaaaaa. Starts on the MotoGP grid and continues to the regular humans. That doesn't prove anything.
It is indeed interesting though to see a talent take a street bike up to those speeds. It says a lot. It says it's possible, and when that list starts getting longer it says a lot about the direction of the design.
I liked the Revzilla video, it's good to ask questions and point out how complex it's become to set up a bike. It could be easy to hypothesis that with such a complex bike, most people would go faster on a old gixxer. But done right, with the right pilot, the Duc is going to blow the doors off that old gixxer. The thermometer test was pretty funny. Hi Cladio. Fix that.