Hahaha exactly. I love it when people get butt hurt on the Internet especially when they see the truth.
It doesn't matter if it has 5 or 5000 miles on it, it's now a used vehicle. Depreciation exists for a reason.
If this was some major rare limited edition item that had a 2 year waiting list and was sold out, sure I can see you selling it for what you paid for it.
Honestly, who thinks they are going to get their money back buying any new vehicle? It's a depreciating asset. I've seen people do this with cars too, and the higher the price of the vehicle the more you will get screwed now that it's used. As I already said, when you're dealing in a niche and premium market, people aren't going to pay top dollar for a used bike when they can walk into a dealer and get a brand new one and pay the same. Hell I got $2000 off my 2013 S in spring, do you think I'd be spending $2k more used?