Bike jacker shot in Brazil

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yeah that dude got what he deserved!! his buddy didn't wait for him too long either that prick. If someone tried to jack me and my bike, and i had a gun i'd do the same. ......, rather than trying to do someithing to earn one they thought it be best to help themselves i'm completly unbothered he got shot but cop does need better practice!!
So you're telling me you'd rather put up a fight and take the chance of getting killed in the process instead of just walkin away n letting the thief take what he wants?

Is this the choice you are given in this situation?

Did the thief say you were allowed to simply walk away?

Honestly, I think we all believe that if you were simply allowed to walk away from an armed robbery, we would keep our firearms holstered and turn tail and run, just like you.

BUT those of us who haven't been brainwashed by our liberal state government already know you have no idea if the thief is going to shoot you in the back.

Tell me I am wrong: If you stand there and do nothing, you are (and these are your words): "take the chance of getting killed in the process" and he doesn't care about you so I guess he will kill you in a second. If you just stand there and let him completely control the situation, it is very possible you will be shot and killed right there in the street, correct? As men, some of us aren't going to stand there and get put down like a dog. Some of us rather go down fighting. It doesn't mean drawing down, it could mean resisting, evading, distracting....whatever. And if it comes down to it....returning fire (which you cannot do with empty hands). Try everything.

Unfortunately in your state, the government has not allowed you to return fire. Not in my state, I'm allowed. Tell me why I should take that off the table in case I need it.

I honestly wish I knew the thief was there to just take my stuff. If that's true, he shouldn't have brought a gun. You don't need a gun to drive away on a bike. He brought to gun so he can shoot you if needed to make it more likely he can drive away on your bike successfully.

But I agree with you, if you don't know how to use a firearm to defend yourself, don't carry one in the first place. I agree with you, if you have sympathy for the criminal or you know of other more effective means of dealing with the criminal, do it. But I don't agree with you that if you don't feel like defending your own life that somehow I should do the same. Don't try to stop me defending my life the best way I know how. I find it rather cowardly that a man prefers not the use all means necessary including deadly force to save his own life or his family.

the bottom line is your government has told you that you are not allowed to defend yourself against a criminal with a gun. And on top of that, they also told you that if you defend yourself against a criminal using a gun, you're a criminal, too. And since your government knows what best for you, you play along. Which is fine I guess but why on earth would you then go to other places around the country (and the world) and try to convince others (who have different rules and beliefs) that your rules are the best for everyone?
Here's what I'd have done. I would have done a twirling leg kick and knocked the gun out of his hand and then cartwheeled over to his accomplice and kicked him in the head knocking him off of the bike, all the while shreiking "hi yah".
Then I would have duct taped the two together and then.....
Prince Albert, can you finish the story?? I have to get back to work!
Just to add a few things to the gun debate (which is annoying but always a debate worth having): The idea that you are safe if you just let people steal you stuff is a myth, home invasions, car jackings, much less standard armed robberies and rapes, don't generally end that way. You're life is in fact in danger. And some general facts, guns stop over 1,000,000 crimes in this country a year, saving many more lives than they take (think about that one fact hard anti-gun types). And no, America is not uniquely filled with gun violence, in fact per capita gun violence puts us like 10th down the list of countries (and there are countries with higher gun violence with stricter gun laws and less gun ownership). Recent Harvard study found no correlation between gun laws and reduced gun violence (in fact found an opposite correlation). And the single highest correlation with reduced gun crime is increased concealed carry permits being issued. Private gun owners every year kill some three times as many criminals with imminent threats (i.e. justified shootings) than the police do. So carry or gun or not, your business. But I wish more people would really look into the facts before they bash those of us who do. If you looked seriously at the stats of private gun use and how many people it saves, you should honestly be thanking us, not calling us crazy gun nuts. Does anybody doubt that the guy that was attacked by the motorcycle mob in NY would have been better off with a gun to defend himself and his family? Anyway, sorry for the rant, just an issue near and dear to me.
Here's what I'd have done. I would have done a twirling leg kick and knocked the gun out of his hand and then cartwheeled over to his accomplice and kicked him in the head knocking him off of the bike, all the while shreiking "hi yah".
Then I would have duct taped the two together and then.....
Prince Albert, can you finish the story?? I have to get back to work!
Oh sure Lance, ...

Then I would make them eat each others ass as a way of meeting the HOMOlogation requirements :(

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