Sorry to have started a S@#t storm ;-)
I did quite clearly state IMHO = In My Humble Opinion!
I did not mean to offend Shanes, or anyone else, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I'm not denying that the BMW is a good motorcycle, I clearly state that I think it is fastest in a straight line.
I do however think I'm entitled to my opinion also, which is that the Pani handles better( based on having ridden a 12 S1KRR), that it looks better(IMHO), that it is not made to look silly by the bikes listed by Shanes(IMHO).
I further suggest, again IMHO!!!, that the HP4 seems like a "reaction" to the Panigale, many of the listed items in the initial leaked report, and the confirmation on Visordown which I read, seemed to indicate it was mainly "bolt on" parts and as such seemed like you could make your own HP4, except for the "modes".
I since stand corrected on the fact that the damping is apparently "self adjusting" on the move. So my apologies for getting that wrong, despite stating "I haven't read anything about..." it. To me, IMHO, that still feels like an "evolution" and "reaction" to the Panigale being the first production bike with electronic suspension rather than a Revolution.
The reason I mentioned Superstock is because it is the closest class to our production motorcycles, and both Ducati and BMW compete. I therefore think it is relevant that the Panigale is winning, in it's first year from a BMW with 4-5 years worth of development in it. However I also agree that those bikes are not exactly what we ride and that is a fair comment, but they are as close as you can get in international racing, another point would have been that they are not currently doing all that well in BSB. To which I would have countered other points. In my mind that is how a civilised discussion goes, we both put forth logical arguments to try to convince each other, we eventually reach a middle ground, or we respectfully agree to disagree. I thought the point of a forum was to discuss, give opinion and learn!
I fully agree with the point that my riding level is such that I will never be able extract the full potential out of the Pani, and equally that better riders can kick my ass on what would be considered lower spec machinery, and honestly they have, many times even. Without wishing to add further fuel to the fire, last Friday such a thing happened when I outrode an "12 S1krr on my '08 848, which ended with the other rider ending up on the floor luckily unhurt. Not because my bike was better but simply because he was an inexperienced rider. I understand the difference.
I would add that whereas i have no doubt that on the S1kRR forum a HP4 would receive a rapturous welcome, here it would only be natural to receive a more guarded response, generally members here ride Panigales or want one. So my opinion should not really have surprised anyone as far as I can see, and did not warrant me being called blind, ranting or delusional.
I'm hardly either, I do also own a Honda and a Yamaha, and being somewhat well known in the bikeing community here, I get offers to ride from both bike owners and dealerships on a weekly basis and regularly have a go.
In a perfect world I wouldn't say no to having a S1kRR/HP4 in my garage but money isn't endless and I'm very happy with my choice and would choose the Pani again against the HP4 or any other bike. I think it's great that BMW are upping their game, I hope Honda Yamaha, KTM, Apprilia, Suzuki and Kawasaki do the same thing!. Obviously that means that my ".... wagon" (some will know!) will be outdated in a year or 2 and I have no problem with that, even if that is in 6 month by a HP4 but IMHO the HP4 is not the bike to best the Pani. You are entitled to your opinion about that.
It can only be good for all bikers to get better bikes out and more choice. Let them fight over our money with the best possible product for the best possible price.
Ask me again in a year or 2 and the answer may well be different, but today, for me, with the information I have, and my priorities, the Pani is THE bike and I'll be damned if I'm going to apologise to anyone for that.