stoner is the best pure talent out there today. its him and marc marquez and you can throw in jorge too. i know i know rossi has won 7 titles but each time like he is doing now everything was already developed. jorge help develop the yamaha now rossi is going there cause he cant win on ducati. just like what he did on honda when he stepped in for nick doohan. when he went to yamaha they doubled the budget never changed the chassis. the chasis was developed by biagi bayless and edwards. they made engine changes only. Rossi only wins when his bike is far and away better then anybody elses. Stoner does more with less then anybody i have ever seen.
Seriously?? Rossi hasn't ever developed a bike? I think you will find Rossi developed that Yamaha and Jorge has reaped the rewards, don't worry I have full respect for Stoner awesome to watch, although bit immature off track and even occasionally on the track, when he acts like a little school boy, but at the end of the day that's what makes it interesting. I will miss Stoner and his ability to ride the tits off any machine he jumps onto.
But let's not forget most riders when in their prime are awesome to watch....
I draw your attention to...
Rossi on a Honda around the 2003 time, watch this video, a bit long, but some awesome showboating slides and drifts, he even looks over to the crowds while he does it...
valentino rossi derapate drift - YouTube
But I apologise, this is a thread for Stoner and I didn't want to digress, but did.
Can understand why he's going and give him credit, he's got some balls for leaving. But sometimes these riders maybe get a little bit to big for their own boots if you know what I mean..? And that's not specifically aimed at Stoner.