Bump to get some version 1-3 files.
royal: OK yeah the screenshot does look odd. If you don't mind sending me the file I'll run it here and see what's different there vs here. There shouldn't be any columns without headers. I'll need to test with that file to see why it's doing that.
It looks to me like you either have fewer or more fields than I have, and I'm not reading them properly.
So could you send me the log file in question?
Gecko: Version 1-3 are just older DDA versions from bikes like the 1098, 1198, etc...
There isn't any CAN info in the logs that I was able to pick apart. I basically got to the point where I understood the format of the actual log data and didn't worry about anything else, and the header is pretty large. I've only really managed to pick apart the data fields, descriptions, and how often those data fields are logged so far in the header.
Also, any files you can provide will help. My only logs are from my own 899 Panigale, which I suspect now has far fewer fields than your bike and royal's.
I tried to do some reverse engineering a couple of years back on the DDA files (V4). But in the end I decided to go an easier route and make my own data logger. Way simpler (and more accurate) than fiddle around with this stupid DDA+ format.
PM your e-mail address, I'll send you a V4 file including GPS data from a 1199S.
I briefly looked at the dda file that didn't translate properly, it looks like the version 4 files don't all have the same fields. I hard coded the fields and field ordering and such so I'll need to pick apart more of the header and actually use it to determine what fields I'm converting. I'll probably have another build of the software sometime next week with this figured out and working.
Resurrecting this thread. Track season and work took out all my spare time until recently.
I have a version that can handle a variable number of fields. I tested several different files from various Panigales with and without GPS data and it seems to work now.
Mac only for now, I'll figure out windows later.
Attached as a zip file. Just extract it somewhere and then double click to run.