Anyone in or near the Hudson valley that would be interested in getting together for a ride to compare their street fighter to my Zh2. The motojournalists are taking forever. Would be a whole lot of fun to have some other supermarkets join in.
I’m in Red Hook and have a “Dutchess TT” route of almost 120 miles with about 4 stop signs and 2 traffic lights, basically non-stop turns. Happy to share the map if you want, my bike is track only during the summer but ride the same route in the spring/fall.
I'd love to see the map, Always looking for good rides somewhat close by.
I do but Don’t use it much but however you can send it would be great! I appreciate it.Do you use Google MyMaps? I can share some maps I have as KML/KMZ/GPX et al.
I'd love to see the map, Always looking for good rides somewhat close by.
Heya Z, was just trying my fingers at mapping it out, I think I got it all.
Hopefully you can open that link, basically start just north of Red Hook, I dare say these are the smoothest roads in the area. I keep trying to add different routes but end up with ...... pavement. The beginning has a mix of 35-55-45mph roads, once you get over the Taconic it goes to 45-55mph. The southern loop has a bit of residential mixed in with farms, be respectful of any horses and riders! I don't speed (much) through these, maybe +5-10mph max, but I don't slow down for the turns, I do this same route (alternate direction each ride) so I know where all the hidden driveways are, trees that drop slippery leaves and nuts, and where all the sharp turns are. The drivers in the area are pretty cool, 4 out of 5 will just slow down and wave you by as long as you don't roll up on them like a squid. Takes me 2:15h to do the loop with no stopping, enjoy!