After installing new high-tension coils & testing the other components of the ignition system, I am now unsure of the electrical connections. (I know...I should have taken photos)! Since installing the new coils, the engine won't fire & emits a deafening backfire. So, it seems to me that I must have re-wired something incorrectly.
If I am not incorrect, the grey wire from the ignition control module connects to the HT coil for the vertical cylinder and the brown wire (with green stripe) connects to the HT coil for the horizontal cylinder. Is this correct? (I ask this because I have found other discrepancies between the Haynes manual & the Ducati factory manual).
One of the pickup coils has red & white wires. The other pickup coil has black & yellow wires. To which ignition control modules (i.e. vertical or horizontal cylinders) do these wires go?
Thank you for your help. This has been frustrating.
If I am not incorrect, the grey wire from the ignition control module connects to the HT coil for the vertical cylinder and the brown wire (with green stripe) connects to the HT coil for the horizontal cylinder. Is this correct? (I ask this because I have found other discrepancies between the Haynes manual & the Ducati factory manual).
One of the pickup coils has red & white wires. The other pickup coil has black & yellow wires. To which ignition control modules (i.e. vertical or horizontal cylinders) do these wires go?
Thank you for your help. This has been frustrating.