If I've offended anyone with my wording then I apologize. TJ99 and I have engaged in a bit of ructious debate in the past without any red flags being thrown, so I wasn't aware this type of dialogue was at some point deemed inappropriate. I will try to mind my manners henceforth.
TJ99: To be clear, it was not my intention to collect personal information from you; rather, after you willingly divulged your involvement in the SL project, I felt it appropriate to request that you elaborate on your area of expertise.
My following request for engine performance data to support your claim was an attempt to validate your statements and absolve any suspicions that may exist regarding your credibility (I am not alone in my skepticism). Surely this is understandable, as it isn't everyday product managers of high profile corporate projects find time to participate in public forums regarding those projects. Additionally, I think there is a distinguishable difference in attempting to establish one's credibility, and attacking one's credibility. You'll find that I never stated you are not who you claim to be, only that I naturally hold a healthy skepticism to those claims, and have resultantly provided opportunities for you to validate them.
With my attempt at bearing an olive branch now out of the way, I believe my initial questions hold merit and so they still remain: 1) What is the exact HP figure of the 119SL, 2) Do you have access to performance data that could help quantify the performance character differences among the 1199, 1199R, and 1199SL engines, 3) Does the lean-angle data sensor interoperate with DTC, or ABS, like that of some of Ducati's competitors, and 4) What is the range of adjustability on the newly developed wheelie control, and does it provide any superior features to wheelie control technology offered by the competition?