My 1199s ABS so far

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Mar 18, 2012
Picked it up last week and have been able to put a little over 200 miles on it.
Smoking: It smoked a lot at the dealer, but it has dropped off. A couple days ago, down to nothing. Today, nothing on start, but while it was on the stand idling, the engine started to sputter a bit as if it were going to stall, I opened the throttle a bit and got it back, but as it sputtered, the white smoke came back. No worries though as it wasn't that much and this is the first time in a week that I saw white smoke. Oil level is perfect.

I do have something that I'm curious to see if anyone else has. while riding in second gear with a consistent throttle, at about 4500 rpms, the engine starts to die off and lose power. If I'm quick on the throttle, I can bring the power back up, but if I hesitate, it feels like the engine will go all the way down to a stall. The exhaust sound also dies off with the engine. The only way I can bring it back is to engage the clutch. I can repeat this at will - only happens in 2nd gear, with a consistent throttle at about 4,500 rpms..

Anyone else notice some quirkiness with the throttle?
i think i heard this before ! something to do with your valve in the exhaust. i don't know if you have a termi slip on or termi's?

if stock i guess that your valve could be the issue.
100% stock all around. It is very strange. Only happens at that rpm in 2nd. Nowhere else. I also believe it is the valve. Just wondering if anyone else is seeing this.
i think i heard this before ! something to do with your valve in the exhaust. i don't know if you have a termi slip on or termi's?

if stock i guess that your valve could be the issue.
Sounds like my 07R1. Second gear certain rpm = flat spot in the mapping. Ended up just riding around it. Could be a similar situation. Too soon to tell.
Picked it up last week and have been able to put a little over 200 miles on it.
Smoking: It smoked a lot at the dealer, but it has dropped off. A couple days ago, down to nothing. Today, nothing on start, but while it was on the stand idling, the engine started to sputter a bit as if it were going to stall, I opened the throttle a bit and got it back, but as it sputtered, the white smoke came back. No worries though as it wasn't that much and this is the first time in a week that I saw white smoke. Oil level is perfect.

I do have something that I'm curious to see if anyone else has. while riding in second gear with a consistent throttle, at about 4500 rpms, the engine starts to die off and lose power. If I'm quick on the throttle, I can bring the power back up, but if I hesitate, it feels like the engine will go all the way down to a stall. The exhaust sound also dies off with the engine. The only way I can bring it back is to engage the clutch. I can repeat this at will - only happens in 2nd gear, with a consistent throttle at about 4,500 rpms..

Anyone else notice some quirkiness with the throttle?

Mine does exactly the same, but it's at 3500 rpm and exactly 30 mph in second. When it bogs, the throttle doesn't respond at all unless I grab it a big handful. Then when it does finally pick-up the wide open throttle causes it to set off for The horizon like a missile.

This behaviour is always accompanied with a sudden drop in exhaust noise; when the valve closes I assume. Oddly, I think the exhaust value is otherwise dormant??? I suspect this might be part of the trickery that got an otherwise illegally loud standard exhaust past the certification tests. It always seems to happen when trailing slow moving traffic and I can make it happen at will.
Mine does exactly the same, but it's at 3500 rpm and exactly 30 mph in second. When it bogs, the throttle doesn't respond at all unless I grab it a big handful. Then when it does finally pick-up the wide open throttle causes it to set off for The horizon like a missile.

This behaviour is always accompanied with a sudden drop in exhaust noise; when the valve closes I assume. Oddly, I think the exhaust value is otherwise dormant??? I suspect this might be part of the trickery that got an otherwise illegally loud standard exhaust past the certification tests. It always seems to happen when trailing slow moving traffic and I can make it happen at will.

Yup. That's is. If you don't recover it fast, it feels like it would drop right to a stall. And yes, once I was opening the throttle with no response, then, bam, all at once, just a few hundred rpm higher.
i will get my bike around the 9th-10th ( somewere next week)
my bike has the slip-ons and my valve is put on Open the whole time. i will test my bike for this.

but i am almost sure it's the valve with your bikes.

i think the best thing is
let your dealer remove the servo+kabels (austin racing said the bike runs a little better anyway)

or if possible buy the slip on termi's

good luck you guys
i will get my bike around the 9th-10th ( somewere next week)
my bike has the slip-ons and my valve is put on Open the whole time. i will test my bike for this.

but i am almost sure it's the valve with your bikes.

i think the best thing is
let your dealer remove the servo+kabels (austin racing said the bike runs a little better anyway)

or if possible buy the slip on termi's

good luck you guys

Not going down the termi route as they're too loud and will fail the static noise tests at many of the tracks in the UK. I'm not entirely sure the standard exhaust won't too! Disconnecting the cables might be an idea. I would guess this is something that will get fixed in the software. If Ducati put it in deliberately for the noise tests, then I'm sure someone else will work out how to remove it. If not, then Ducati themselves will probably fix it.

It's actually a little dangerous, especially if you're following other traffic, because you need to use quite a bit of throttle to break it out of the cycle and this much throttle when the bike is not pointed at a clear stretch of road is never a good idea.

I'd be keen to know if it effects all bikes with the standard exhaust or whether our bikes are "special". If its not a general issue then I'll push my dealer to fix it.

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