USA / East Coast NC/VA area track day

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(BTW, not what I'm doing - just saying be careful where you stereotype)


Annnnnnnnnnnnd, once again I will reserve my comments on ALL threads. :cool:
(BTW, not what I'm doing - just saying be careful where you stereotype)


Annnnnnnnnnnnd, once again I will reserve my comments on ALL threads. :cool:

Dude - if you got something to say - go ahead and say it. I got a thick skin. I can take it as well as dish it. I'm just calling it as I see it. BTW, I didn't start the stereotyping. . ..

I gave numbers on track plastics and how they sometimes work and sometimes don't. It's not a cut and dry deal as many seem to think. Punching holes in some common logic.

And yeah, I'm pushing you (or anyone else) to track the bike. If you don't track - fine. If you track - why not take it out and give it a run ? As I said - you have one of the top 3 bikes people would like to track out there. Why not take it out now before there are 3 more bikes that supercede it and it becomes yesterdays news.

I think its great that gman and redriot are taking their bikes out there on those days. Though I don't like the track. Hope they have a great time and ride safe.

Not that this matters, but if I had a 1199/tric and carbons, I'd sure be tracking the bike ? There wouldn't be ANYTHING stopping me :)
also, gman and redriot, if you guys are planning on riding with TPM - check your chain. I believe they require 1" of play on the chain (its a good idea since the suspension needs some play for it to work). A lot of dealer prep for these bikes have it set where the chain is too tight for a track day.

Lights are a pain in the arse to tape up since they show through the blue tape. Might want to consider the 3m 14 day removable duct tape which works much better.

Either way - ride safe.
Thx. Obviously pre drilled helps alot, but that is a steep price to pay for plain bodywork. Hey listen, if you need a serious bike painter who specializes in Ducati work, send me a PM and I will get you hooked up with him! Not sure if you have seen my previous threads about him (Connecticut Cycle Refinishing)

I think Motowheels had some stuff on there for only $900 or so. In that PM please shoot me your email so you can send pics of the stuff once it arrives. I dont care what anyone else says, stock bodywork is NOT meant for the track or anywhere which puts it in a higher potential for damage. That set of sharkskins cost about as much as one side of stock. NOTHING is worth trying to replace this and nor would I put myself in that position. If a little money, and the time to swap it out, is not an issue than buying an extra set for track days (or having it painted up sweet and just leaving it on!) is a great idea!

Keep us posted and hope to see pics soon ! :D

Gunny, I can't send you a PM, system is saying you've disabled PM functionality.
Really? Hmm. I will look into it. Redid all my personal info and history due to some total effing idiots hacking into my life (you know who you are) I will go back in and fix it to receive PMs again. My apologies Redriot.
Looking forward to Shenny/Summit Point on Sunday. Any of you folks going? Sunday, 15 Jul was fun, but the "coaching" situation was rather weak. I go fairly fast in the I group, but I dig learning from folks that know WTF they are doing. Hope to see you there!
I am a coach for TPM and can tell you if you've never rode NCBIKE, you have to try it. Even a seasoned rider will enjoy the track. T%, the long left we refer to as "the offramp" hyas you knee down for over 10 seconds. 1/2 mile straightaway into a very fast and long T1. T2 and T11 have a sweet spot that when you find them, you know it! Sure VIR north is much more challenging and interesting (my favorite) but this track needs to be experienced. If you are relatively new or intermediate rider, this is the best learning track I have ever ridden. Plenty of time in the long corners to work on body position and technique. The surface is like velcro, and smooooth so as not to bounce us around on our harsely sprung rear shocks! Sam and Simon who run the track are the greatest hosts ever, and they put on a bbq lunch that I would travel from my albany NY home to eat! And while I may be bias, Bill sink gives the free intro course for any of you newbees and having seen many, his is by far the best. We work very hard to get everyone to go home safe and without a scratch on your bike. the coaches wear coach tshirts when out of leathers, and invite you to ask for all the help you want, on track or off. We do this because we love helping. I know this sounds like a commercial, but I'd love to see more 1199's on the track!
Feel free to email me any track questions.
[email protected]
(BTW, not what I'm doing - just saying be careful where you stereotype)


Annnnnnnnnnnnd, once again I will reserve my comments on ALL threads. :cool:

Youre a true gentleman, Gunny. thanks for being the classy guy that could easily lay down some serious beatdowns, but instead, always takes the high road.

Bravo, my brother!
Rsr racer

Youre a true gentleman, Gunny. thanks for being the classy guy that could easily lay down some serious beatdowns, but instead, always takes the high road.

Bravo, my brother!

One day I will spill it all out for everyone to read, but I dont need pissing contests with someone here. Appreciate the words. I am trying to be a better and tolerant person which is alot different than I once was. Peace out bro! :cool:
I did my second track day at barber in birmingham this past saturday (wonderful track!).

I'm still incredibly mediocre, very slow and most def. not worthy of throwing this thing around a track, but what a blast it is.

Dave Moss, a suspension guru was there, he's done setup on a couple base and S model panis. nite and day difference between handling this time and last track day.

In short, a blast!
How come we have not heard reviews of this track day with photos and ride reports about everything? Anyone attend with a report for us?


Sorry man, didn't think anyone cared.:eek: I had a great time with a big smile within my helmet on every lap. Although I didn't get to meet Dave Moss.:(
I found the 1199s a much better bike for me than the 1098. It was like riding on rails through every corner. Tires had great grip all day. I had a better grip on stock foot pegs than the 1098's. I'll be okay to wait until all the choices of rearsets are available. The only item I'll be wanting for now is tank grip.

As for the track this was my second time. It was just as fun as the first time here. Been on two other tracks before and this is the smoothest pavement I've ridden. But then again the track is brand new, so it should be I suppose. It is flat and not very technical, but it's a great track to ride the 1199s and get some practice with it.

The instructors are always helpful and way cool. There are no egos from them like at other events I've attended. They encourage better skills and techniques on every session.
I'll probably ask to move up out of the rookie class and into the intermediate group. Although it seems fun to pass people at times, it might be safer(for me as well as the newer riders) to be with people who ride at similar paces. I was entering turn one down the long straight at a high rate of speed and almost flew into a guy going at his own pace which was much slower than I was going. I figure it's just safer to move up. Plus in the next level they'll teach me advanced techniques which I look forward to.

I did make one big mistake. A rider went seriously down and I missed the red flag, and I was torched by the safety supervisor. He thought I blew off the red flag. Thing was I saw two riders ahead of me put their hands up on exit and I naturally looked at the corner worker for a flag. I took about 1 second to look at the flag station, didn't see one, so I did the RIGHT thing- not wreck and pay attention to not blowing a hairpin turn.

Besides that flop, I had a great time. And got to meet a cool forum member, REDRIOT. His sharkskinz looked pretty sweet. That'll be a future purchase.:D
There ya go Gman! Thats what I was waiting for bro! So glad for you!
The guy you met with Shakskinz is stopping by my good friend the painter in CT on his way home. Did he gve you any insight into his replica scheme they are going to do on it?
I promise you with my own money back this guy would blow away jobs with his level of attention to detail. He has about 4-5 shots of my jobs in the website and can creaate ANYTHING in the world hand painted!

Custom Motorcycle Paint | Connecticut Cycle Refinishing
One day I will spill it all out for everyone to read, but I dont need pissing contests with someone here. Appreciate the words. I am trying to be a better and tolerant person which is alot different than I once was. Peace out bro! :cool:

Interesting. . . wonder what you're going to "spill it all out" ? Reference to me ? really ?

Youre a true gentleman, Gunny. thanks for being the classy guy that could easily lay down some serious beatdowns, but instead, always takes the high road.

Since this seems to be a reference to me - I'm curious as to what kind of beatdown he could lay down ??? and in what context ?

But in more seriousness - I just laid it out there. Backed up by some costs and numbers. It is what it is. If you buy Carbon wheels, it reduces weight by x ounces. Can you really tell the difference ? If you're buying it for its look - great. No biggie - many do. If you're buying track skins because you're a racer and it makes sense - definitely. If you do 2 track days a year, work the averages and see where you fit. It's like insurance - sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. The majority of people lose which is why insurance companies make money (law of large numbers). For track skins - at least the price is quantifiable (max figure of the replacement skin) - so its a risk arbitrage equation. But if you choose to do it or not do it - not a big deal. Just don't make an absolute statement saying something like "I dont care what anyone else says, stock bodywork is NOT meant for the track or anywhere which puts it in a higher potential for damage.". There are plenty of us who have 1199's who have taken it out onto the track in stock bodywork and its perfectly fine for the track. Actually quite a few 1199's out with TPM as well as I've seen several - and they were all with stock bodywork. . ..

But if you don't like hearing it for what it is, or that Termi's don't add 10% power and make you Valentino Rossi - ok fine. Sensitive eyes and ears.

please, pray tell, explain the issues you have with....well,... everything for starters.

It would appear to the innocent bystander that you are suffering from some sort of ego complex in which you must be heard and seen an an authority on all that lay before you on this forum with respect to the bikes we have, the ablities we may or may not have, the choices we make to accessorize or not, and with what, and for what ever reason those choices are made.

You would appear intent on analysing each and every decision made by the forum. where is it stated on the forum that your opinion is wanted or warranted? critiques, in genreal should be made by those with qualifications (care to expand upon yours?) and then, only if asked for, and not volunteered by you or anyone else.

your comments are inflammatory and inappropriate. NO one is debating you. You seem to be having some type of internal argument and frustration with yourself over what you are reading here.

Several of the posts you have made on other threads are of the same basis of pent up hostility, it would appear...

have you considered counseling to gain a handle upon that which may be truly troubling you? there are outreach groups all over the net for individuals with the fragile complexes you have demonstrated that are clearly ingrained in your psyche.

we are a pretty happy family of enthusiasts here who, you may be surprised to find out, have considerable racing experience and relate their experiences and give advise in a constructive and meaningful manner. (when asked, mind you)

please refrain in the future from ill advised or unsolicited advice or derogatory comments...there are many other Ducati forums that entertain the God complex that are so prevalent there

if you will find this as a flame, I am not going to apologize...just "laying it out there" as you are prone to saying

Interesting. . . wonder what you're going to "spill it all out" ? Reference to me ? really ?

Since this seems to be a reference to me - I'm curious as to what kind of beatdown he could lay down ??? and in what context ?

But in more seriousness - I just laid it out there. Backed up by some costs and numbers. It is what it is. If you buy Carbon wheels, it reduces weight by x ounces. Can you really tell the difference ? If you're buying it for its look - great. No biggie - many do. If you're buying track skins because you're a racer and it makes sense - definitely. If you do 2 track days a year, work the averages and see where you fit. It's like insurance - sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. The majority of people lose which is why insurance companies make money (law of large numbers). For track skins - at least the price is quantifiable (max figure of the replacement skin) - so its a risk arbitrage equation. But if you choose to do it or not do it - not a big deal. Just don't make an absolute statement saying something like "I dont care what anyone else says, stock bodywork is NOT meant for the track or anywhere which puts it in a higher potential for damage.". There are plenty of us who have 1199's who have taken it out onto the track in stock bodywork and its perfectly fine for the track. Actually quite a few 1199's out with TPM as well as I've seen several - and they were all with stock bodywork. . ..

But if you don't like hearing it for what it is, or that Termi's don't add 10% power and make you Valentino Rossi - ok fine. Sensitive eyes and ears.
Hmm - some explanation I see. I generally try and measure things by content. If you take a look at the original post - it was a discussion on track days and going to NCBike - I posted an opinion (mine) of how I think NCBike is interesting to go once but I would rate VIR and Thunderbolt higher. That is some relevant opinions on the track. I believe I also commented later on making sure if you go that the chain is properly tensioned.

Now, the rest of the comment was just - yeah, if you got some great wheels, go out there and use it. We all know that most mere mortals can't tell the difference between magnesiums and aluminums or carbons and aluminum. Not a biggie - I've got performance wheels as well. I can't tell, but i'll be the first to fess up about it. Now, regarding track skins - same. If you want them, great. But if its to "save value", generally that isn't going to happen. By and large track skins are a waste for most low volume track riders. I posted some analysis and some food for thought for people interested in track plastics. It's worth thinking about before buying for infrequently track day riders. Do you agree ? Was my first post asking people to think about track plastics before buying for occasional track day riders inflammatory ? Doubtful. Then it was followed up with "I don't care what anyone says, stock bodywork isn't meant for the track..." and I challenged that. Wouldn't you call that statement a bit more inflammatory than my questioning the finances of buying track plastics ? I would say the MAJORITY of people out at a track are using stock bodywork. Maybe not Nesba A or TPM Black or whatever - but the majority of riders use stock bodywork. Agree ? I backed up some numbers and analysis that I use to justify whether to buy track plastics or not. Then I got some crazy "east coast" crap because someone didn't want to justify their statement.

Now, regarding the rest of your questions - well, tough for me to analyze "each and every decision", but for a guy with a whopping 66 posts at last count, I would hardly say each decision on this forum is being analyzed by me. If I have experience in the subject, I might give my analysis or opinion on it. If not, then I'm generally not going to. In this thread, I've ridden with TPM, I've gone to a few of their tracks, and I'm familiar with their tech on an 1199 since I've actually tracked an 1199 on their track days. So I gave my thoughts on the matter and some things to watch out for.

But hey, if you prefer the puffy rosy, yeah bro comraderie with no contributory content - then hey great. It'll be one big large group of back slapping enthusiasts without any real content. But perhaps that should be located in the "lounge", maybe instead of the content forums ???

You called out someone to say he could lay a beatdown on me, but I'm trying to figure out what beatdown and where ? But seriously - speaking of inflammatory posts, your one post in this thread falls under which categories you listed ? inflammatory - check, ill-advised - check, flame - check ?, Any contributory content regardless of method of delivery ? Really ?

Now, I will apologize that sometimes I come off a bit abrupt and may challenge something/sombody/ I would think to be incorrect or I differ upon. I tend to try to back up some things I say, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. And certainly when someone raises a challenge, I'm certainly up for the debate as well. Hey - its a discussion forum to discuss/debate/analyze/hash out everything about this bike that we have or want to have. Not all my choices are right, and not all my opinions are right. Sometimes one feels strongly about their choices/opinions and sometimes one doesn't care. But thats what a forum is. Peace and ride safe.

Addendum - Hey Fitz, nothing personal. I've got nothing against you personally as I don't know you or anything. I think you make some crazy statements/choices at times and thats where I might differ in those (and challenge you on some of them) - but thats a difference in opinion or just a debate. But just wanted to throw it out there - you're a bit 'out there' and willing to be "out there" so I might go "out there" to refute/reject/refuse/debate or even agree. who knows. Whatever the case, don't let my posts ruffle your feathers - or if they do, ruffle them back.


please, pray tell, explain the issues you have with....well,... everything for starters.

It would appear to the innocent bystander that you are suffering from some sort of ego complex in which you must be heard and seen an an authority on all that lay before you on this forum with respect to the bikes we have, the ablities we may or may not have, the choices we make to accessorize or not, and with what, and for what ever reason those choices are made.

You would appear intent on analysing each and every decision made by the forum. where is it stated on the forum that your opinion is wanted or warranted? critiques, in genreal should be made by those with qualifications (care to expand upon yours?) and then, only if asked for, and not volunteered by you or anyone else.

your comments are inflammatory and inappropriate. NO one is debating you. You seem to be having some type of internal argument and frustration with yourself over what you are reading here.

Several of the posts you have made on other threads are of the same basis of pent up hostility, it would appear...

have you considered counseling to gain a handle upon that which may be truly troubling you? there are outreach groups all over the net for individuals with the fragile complexes you have demonstrated that are clearly ingrained in your psyche.

we are a pretty happy family of enthusiasts here who, you may be surprised to find out, have considerable racing experience and relate their experiences and give advise in a constructive and meaningful manner. (when asked, mind you)

please refrain in the future from ill advised or unsolicited advice or derogatory comments...there are many other Ducati forums that entertain the God complex that are so prevalent there

if you will find this as a flame, I am not going to apologize...just "laying it out there" as you are prone to saying
Last edited:
But seriously - speaking of inflammatory posts, your one post in this thread falls under which categories you listed ? inflammatory - check, ill-advised - check, flame - check ?, Any contributory content regardless of method of delivery ?.

There you go you realize how many times you used the word "I" in just that one summary of a baseless retort? Your egocentric interpretation of my "one" post, which was complimentary to another forum member, and in no way implicated you or your comments, was nonetheless taken as an affront to your fragile sense of Id...which you then proceeded to challenge in a rather confronting manner indicative of the thinness of your skin; contrary to the thick skin you proclaimed you had in one part or another of your diatribe

The profile one can draw out of all of your statements could really become the basis of quite a thesis on the topic of say, "delusional narcissism of the anonymity of the Internet.".

Your quest for self assurance is quite evident and I maintain that you may be sincere in believing that you are on base with your colorful yet passive/ aggressive passages, in that you first tear down a members choice and then turn the topic around to your preferences and then close with a dismissive "the choice is yours, but"....type of statement.

Its transparent in it's attempt to have the focus of all attention on your decisions and your statistical substantiation is fraught with yet more unnecessary opinions after your choices.

How about we just agree to stay on topic and if the OP would like to have the war and piece version of your opinions stated (in length, that is), then let them ask for it. Don't discredit others for their preferences or decisions.
How about we just agree to stay on topic and if the OP would like to have the war and piece version of your opinions stated (in length, that is), then let them ask for it. Don't discredit others for their preferences or decisions.

Regardless of my delivery and whether you like it or not. Look in the mirror - 3 posts from you - all direct personal attacks, zero relevant content and all completely off topic.

So yeah, it would at least benefit someone/somewhere if we keep things at least somewhat on topic somewhere.

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