New exhaust option.

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Jul 24, 2013
New York
Just got this e-mail from SC projects:

hello, the exhaust will be available in the end of this month

kind regards

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-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Gmail []
Inviato: sabato 15 febbraio 2014 16:40

Hello. I wanted to inquire about your Ducati Panigale project exhaust. Is
there going to be a production exhaust version in the near future?

Thank you.


Thamer Ibrahim

Sent from HAD_=
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Iv been watching and emailing this company for months,only to be told each time it will be ready at the end of the month! This was scheduled to be released way back in June last year but for whatever reason has been delayed!

As soon as its available I shall be ordering,word has it its stupidly loud :D
I went to the website couldn't find any related info to the 1199...
Could you please speak of the options available..
Is it full titanium ... claimed power gains, dimensions etc, etc ??

Looks nice to me : )
Iv been watching and emailing this company for months,only to be told each time it will be ready at the end of the month! This was scheduled to be released way back in June last year but for whatever reason has been delayed!

As soon as its available I shall be ordering,word has it its stupidly loud

It can't be any louder than the AR system. Finally got to hear one last track day on a base model...that's stupidly loud!
I went to the website couldn't find any related info to the 1199...
Could you please speak of the options available..
Is it full titanium ... claimed power gains, dimensions etc, etc ??

Looks nice to me : )

I went to the website originally and that's what prompted me to write them. I don't have any other info than what I posted.

I will write back and ask.
every time somebody talks about austin Racing its always negative i just wanted to know what the hate was all about? Trust me im not trying to start anything just wanna know
I don't want to derail the thread but to answer your question there was a big fiasco on the board where a representative of Austin Racing engaged other members in a rather hostile debate over the performance claims of their product as well as some manufacturing defects. It has since calmed down and the consensus is that their product is probably not that terrible (but perhaps not as good as the akra's).
Well they just e-mailed me back and said it will be both steel and Titainium. Also that all other performance info would be released in a few weeks.
I don't want to derail the thread but to answer your question there was a big fiasco on the board where a representative of Austin Racing engaged other members in a rather hostile debate over the performance claims of their product as well as some manufacturing defects. It has since calmed down and the consensus is that their product is probably not that terrible (but perhaps not as good as the akra's).
Didnt mean to get off the subject but thanks for anwering
I will never understand the interest in buying a 1199 only to change it into a GSX-R. To each his own but completely goes against the grain of why I bought the bike
I will never understand the interest in buying a 1199 only to change it into a GSX-R. To each his own but completely goes against the grain of why I bought the bike

I'm inclined to agree with you Carl. Mass centralization was one reason behind the original design. This one looks like a stubby version of the hideous Japanese market concoction. A single sided pipe, such as this, just mimics any old run of the mill Japanese IL4 with a cheap end can. A sort of Pani-CBR hybrid. Only my two cents worth you understand.
I get what Carl8808 and topolino are saying about the design, but there's no getting over the huge dip in the dyno curve. It's been rumored for some time this is because of the exhaust design, and if someone has an exhaust that can cure this, it would provide a significant improvement over existing options. As short as it appears, it doesn't seem as though it would change the mass centralization much if at all.

I for one would love to have that mid-range hole in the dyno curve filled in, and I wouldn't mind the looks of this too much if it did that effectively. Of course, I got the RotoBox RBX2 wheels (because they are lighter than BST's) so my taste is already quite suspect. :D

Phl, looks better but the curve shape is still fundamentally the same - poor. Maybe it's not the exhaust and it's the character of the Superquadro motor. To make my position clear, I would only ever consider this fugly new exhaust if it nearly solved the huge power and dip.
Hi Phil,

When did you get the new Tuneboy maps? Are you running Termi Slips?
Phl, looks better but the curve shape is still fundamentally the same - poor. Maybe it's not the exhaust and it's the character of the Superquadro motor. To make my position clear, I would only ever consider this fugly new exhaust if it nearly solved the huge power and dip.

understood. sure.

you would not win a #passionepanigale competition with it :D

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