I think this is exactly what you're after but it's a round-a-bout approach which would require some custom modification. (Given, if there aren't currently any "plug-n-play" options which doesn't seem the case.)
I took a
crude measurement of the throttle grip's range of angle and is
roughly 65 degrees. (Please, take my measurement lightly for now, lol.)
I assume TB applies a multiplicative factor (x1.43) to the stock throttle sensor output. If so, it would look like this:
- Throttle grip angle.......: 0* ---> 16.25* ---> 32.5* ----> 45.5* ----> 65*
- Stock throttle output....: 0% --> 25% ------> 50% ----> 70% -----> 100%
- Tuneboy throttle output: 0% --> 35.75% --> 71.5% --> 100% ----> 100%
(*calcs above based on linear curve)
So essentially, Tuneboy would reduce the entire throttle grip opening range by 19.5 degrees. So at 45.5 degrees, you would be at 100% throttle output but....................as Tadashi noted, there is nothing "mechanical" to stop the throttle grip at 45.5 degrees--which is where I suggested creating/fabricating a spacer to physically stop the throttle grip at that position. If this can be done, then you you would have a 65 degree throttle become a 45 degree "quick-turn" throttle.
Since tadashi is already running the throttle map, let's just wait and see if he can come up with a physical throttle stop/spacer for the throttle grip.
Let me know what you guys think...