Is there a way for the dealership to check what RPM's the bike has been running at. I wouldn't want them to know what the maximum RPM the bike has been up to and cancel the warranty.
Yes there is.
But DUCATI are pretty lenient about these things.
They are after all, known as racing derived bikes. So they pretty much figure there's a high proportion of owners that will play boy racer.
Having said that.
If you go ragging on it at every opportunity and she goes BOOM on you. (for what ever reason)
All will be revealed after it gets towed back to the dealer by DUCATI Roadside Assist.
Ducati will want to know, and this is done online through the Service Computer at the dealer.
How DUCATI in Bolognia treat your warranty claim is another matter after the dealer makes their report.
There is another brand of motorcycle. (which shall remain nameless)
That tracks and logs all data retrieved from the bike at the time of service as soon as it's plugged into the computer and goes online.
This is especially so when service functions are performed when diagnostics are being carried out for warranty claims.
I can tell you that warranty has been respectfully declined in some cases of "boy racer syndrome".
Big brother is truly watching.
What Big brother does, or how he treats the information available to him is at his sole discretion.
The Owners Manual is your bible.
If a warranty claim is denied (in Italy), who are you going to sue?
The guy who spends a part of his time on some internet forum from the other side of the world?
Who incidentally will have no stake in the matter if you need to claim warranty because you didn't follow the manual.
Or worse still recklessly disregarded it all together.
I don't think your lemon laws will cover it either.
In summary, go forth at your own peril

Should the issue arise.
Warranty has been denied for lesser things in the past.
Then there are other sides to the story as well.
My side of the story stems from the Socialist in me.
And I don't enjoy the prospect of DUCATI picking up the tab for someone else's indiscretions/stupidity/foolishness.
Because of the costs of unconditionally covering a warranty, is inevitably spread across to all of us owners who have purchased our bikes new, through being built into our purchase prices.
To help you fully understand how the warranty process is financed behind the scenes.
It's like a bank that has multiple accounts held by a couple of joint account holders.
For example DUCATI in Bolognia and DNA or perhaps even DUCATI Australia/NFI.
All the accounts have limited funds, which are defined in the annual budgets.
The first account is for the day to day normal administration of warranties, and it's not watched too closely. It's pretty loose but it gets monitored regardless. And approval still has to come from Bolognia, after the application process.
The second account is off to the side of the first, and it's for the big ticket stuff (over a certain dollar value). It's watched very closely by the major partner/financial controller.
Another account is loosely referred to as called the "good will" account, and it's sort of the reserve/back up, in the event the major account holder says NO.
That account is to be used at the discretion of the minor player (like DNA for example).
It doesn't normally cover the big ticket items unless you're connected.
In summary, the funds for honouring warranties are to a large extent limited, and it is subsidised by all of us to a degree.
Lord knows, they cost enough as it is.
Please try not to push it up any more

I'd like to buy another one if I can afford it
Thank you