"Riding In" Instructions

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No but to be fair I have had to replace my back tire once already due to a nail being in it. I still have the original front with no flat spots.

Lol, apologies if I've missed the sarcasm but it think he meant with the engine!
Considering I ordered November, took delivery May - I pretty much knew everything (at least thought I did!) by the time I picked it up. I think I was just generally careful until I hit 621 and got my oil changed. Very rarely get a puff of smoke - appears to be no ryhme or reason.
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Thanks for that Gunny. The majority of people seem to agree with you, and I also rode my older bikes in like that. Sounds like the winning method
SEARCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, cant resist here (hence comment about opening can of worms!)
One of the most beaten topics on this forum my friend. You are breaking the damn for opinions from all over the world so take it for what its worth. Btw you will NOT blow your engine by any means!

Take this as an example which was posted yesterday under a different thread regarding different piston rings - it was sent to by a Ducati Master Service Tech (unofficially of course due to the stupid ass owners manual) Please note last sentence!

"Incorrect. 2013 did not add an additional ring but a new ring. 12120561A is for 2012. 12120561B if for 2013. They will cut in faster so people stop whining about the smoking. All that is needed is to run the .... out the bike and it's broken in!"

And of course there is this train of thought too! :rolleyes:

Break In Secrets--How To Break In New Motorcycle and Car Engines For More Power

Now, speaking from my own PERSONAL experience of owning 5 Ducati's that were brand new upon purchase - I did exactly as said! I didn't red line the .... outta it, but most certainly didnt baby a damn thing on it. Use EVERY feature on the bike to it's fullest - get the full or slip on system if that's what you intend on doing (no reason to wait at all)
D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y dont wait until first service to use Race mode, quickshifter, all levels of ABS and EBC, and ride it to the maximum skill level that YOU HAVE! :eek:

So there is my can of worms my man. Yeah I know, calm down Gunny (LOL) No disrespect to anyone who thinks or did otherwise. At least you own the most revolutionary Ducati to date! :cool:

Checked out the link you added. Brilliant thanks!!
Always remember that a bunch of 1199 owners advice on the inernet will always be better than advice provided by Ducati engineers (in the owners manual) and you are good to go!

SEARCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, cant resist here (hence comment about opening can of worms!)
One of the most beaten topics on this forum my friend. You are breaking the damn for opinions from all over the world so take it for what its worth. Btw you will NOT blow your engine by any means!

Take this as an example which was posted yesterday under a different thread regarding different piston rings - it was sent to by a Ducati Master Service Tech (unofficially of course due to the stupid ass owners manual) Please note last sentence!

"Incorrect. 2013 did not add an additional ring but a new ring. 12120561A is for 2012. 12120561B if for 2013. They will cut in faster so people stop whining about the smoking. All that is needed is to run the .... out the bike and it's broken in!"

And of course there is this train of thought too! :rolleyes:

Break In Secrets--How To Break In New Motorcycle and Car Engines For More Power

Now, speaking from my own PERSONAL experience of owning 5 Ducati's that were brand new upon purchase - I did exactly as said! I didn't red line the .... outta it, but most certainly didnt baby a damn thing on it. Use EVERY feature on the bike to it's fullest - get the full or slip on system if that's what you intend on doing (no reason to wait at all)
D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y dont wait until first service to use Race mode, quickshifter, all levels of ABS and EBC, and ride it to the maximum skill level that YOU HAVE! :eek:

So there is my can of worms my man. Yeah I know, calm down Gunny (LOL) No disrespect to anyone who thinks or did otherwise. At least you own the most revolutionary Ducati to date! :cool:

No but to be fair I have had to replace my back tire once already due to a nail being in it. I still have the original front with no flat spots.

I believe he is asking about the engine flat spots. Not tires! :eek: Sorry VA!

There is a flat spot on almost every bike between 4-5k rpm. But it is not caused by the engine itself. It is caused by the exhaust valve closing. It does get a bit annoying :mad: BUT... you can disconnect it (May have to reconnect if you want it serviced) and this will solve your issue. It is there for emission control. Not for power, as some people believe. And if you disconnect it... (mind you I have talked to multiple sources on this and there has been testing, although I don't have immediate proof) it won't mess with your back pressure or power.
Always remember that a bunch of 1199 owners advice on the inernet will always be better than advice provided by Ducati engineers (in the owners manual) and you are good to go!


Read online and talk with some of the techs. If you do your research the answer is very clear. I've read multiple sources and talked to multiple experienced technicians on the matter and if you see the science behind it, it will be easy to understand how it works. "To each his own" If you don't want to break yours in this way fine.

If you want to break it in and gain the most power, follow my post earlier. I can explain the science all day long, but in short read post #12. I have laid out both sides and made it easy to understand, AND proved the results of such methods.
Always remember that a bunch of 1199 owners advice on the inernet will always be better than advice provided by Ducati engineers (in the owners manual) and you are good to go!


Because we all know that engineers recommendations make it into the manual unaltered regardless of what Ducati executives and legal has to say about it. In fact, I heard that they consider the exhaust flapper valve R&D's greatest achievement for the bike and it was ALL the idea of the engineers!

Because we all know that engineers recommendations make it into the manual unaltered regardless of what Ducati executives and legal has to say about it. In fact, I heard that they consider the exhaust flapper valve R&D's greatest achievement for the bike and it was ALL the idea of the engineers!


HA HA HA!!! Exactly what I'm saying. People need to research more often and use multiple sources. If a weather man was to say "the sky was falling" I feel like most people would believe it.
mine will get a 300 km dyno run in on the dyno.. with loads of enginebraking to set the valves...
If Ducati is worried about lawsuits because people need to be more aggressive during the break in period. And it is important to be aggressive. Why doesn't Ducati break in the bike at the factory to eliminate any issues the idiots like myself will do at their recommendations for break in? I know no one can answer this because they are not Ducati.. Just a thought....
If Ducati is worried about lawsuits because people need to be more aggressive during the break in period. And it is important to be aggressive. Why doesn't Ducati break in the bike at the factory to eliminate any issues the idiots like myself will do at their recommendations for break in? I know no one can answer this because they are not Ducati.. Just a thought....

How bout time it would cost to do each bike, fuel, oil, etc? Financial loss. I don't have to be Ducati to figure that one out.

620 miles / 40 mpg x price of gas (lets estimate $3.50 a gal? seem fair... ok)= That's $54.25 for each bike, plus labor. Multiply that by 10,000 manufactured 1199's= $542,500 just in fuel cost. Anything else I may help you with today sir?
It would be a lot easier for them to print a few pages in their book to make you think you are getting the best performance but in reality they are just keeping you from having a bolt or rod go through your foot, chest, head... you get the idea... Educate yourself! Stop being so biased
Biased? How do you figure I'm biased? And it was stated that its the first 25 miles are the most important. Not 600+.. I think an extra 20 minutes of ducati's time verses recall because engine weren't broken in by biased owners..
Biased? How do you figure I'm biased? And it was stated that its the first 25 miles are the most important. Not 600+.. I think an extra 20 minutes of ducati's time verses recall because engine weren't broken in by biased owners..

But, they want to cut back on finances and have us do it instead. Our bikes are already hand assembled as it is to ensure quality. No other manufacturer breaks their bikes in before sending them off the production line (Not any large company that I know of, maybe private companies) If you have watched videos of Ducati factory or read an article, they run them on a dyno before leaving the factory to ensure to fueling is proper, the electronics perform properly, the engine doesn't break, the list goes on... but they run them for a few miles up to red line and test them. Break-in is a whole nother animal.

If we were to allow them to break them in for us the prices would be inflated even more than they are now and they would lose a percentage of their customers. Think about it... your stock seat costs $200 for a piece of rubber and foam. How much would it cost to run bikes for hours on end in labor and gas alone? An engine is still barely broken in within under 1,000 miles. The first 50 may be critical, but that does not discount the rest being not important. I haven't done research on how many you should do til you are ok. But they run them to redline from the factory, why wouldn't we be able to? There has been extensive research into this over many years and is nothing new with the Panigale than it is with a car.
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