standard clutch, clutch was check and inspected when i had the lighten flywheel installed and was in good condition.
we had a fuel pressure gauge hooked up to the fuel line out of the tank on the dyno, and as i mention it was little all over the place, it would fluctuated when trying to hold the throttle constantly open. Hence why we swap tanks with new pump and reg but it made no difference and we where still getting similar readings with the new pump and reg.
we where getting reading around 3bar on idle, then while hold throttle constant in gear it was jump between 2ish bar and 3.5bar with drops to 0 zero, once you got hard on the throttle and in the higher rpm range the pressure would hold constant at around 3 bar
such a strongly fluctuating fuel pressure could be the reason, because fuel amount depends by design on opening timing of injectors only with a defined fuel pressure. If the pressure is not constant (for what reason ever), the fuel amout (defined in the engine mapping) will not be as it should be for this engine speed/load condition.
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