So you have, or are about to receive your beloved 1199 Panigale

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Is this an excuse for people to show how well they are hung? :)

Dude, no "show off show" intended. It's just that this forum, as opposed to some other Ducati forums), has some pretty nice contributors with really cool attitudes and a great overall camaraderie with a common goal of sharing enthusiasm about the 1199. Thus I thought it would great to have some insight into those we seem to chat with on a daily basis; wouldn't you be curious about the cool dudes you met at work or on a ride or on vacation? Similar concept here.

Shallow? I think not. if you feel that way, no offense was intended. It's purely a chance to get to know each other a little bit more. :)
One word - Helicopters, I have 7.

Service Dog: Naomi :)

Model Aviation: Trex 700 about 10HP 4 1/2 foot rotor span, carbon etc...




So cool...that is something I always wanted to try, but I'm retarded with controls!!
Yeah, (ESA) I though that kind of funny when I read yours. coinkidink!

Only time she is not with me is on my bike. lol

Belgian Malinois > Dutch Shepard - Lab Mix

Dont have a service dog but we rescued an APBT form a surfer dude who left it tied to a fence with a note that said he couldn't afford to keep him. He was 7 month old and has turned out to be the best animal I have ever known. Kills you with kisses and is so socialized that a kitten has walked up to him and he licked her clean like a mother would do to a pup!

Great job on the rescue of the service dogs. How can we get involved?