Where can i find a Austin Racing exhaust for a 1299S in the US.... i am looking for that exhaust for my 1299S or there is any other good option other than termignoni and Akrapovic????
Could someone PLEASE give me a quick one paragraph simple version about what this whole thing was about?
I couldnt read that whole thread and have been forever confused.
Please just condense the gist into one paragraph.
All I can remember is that the guy thought he made some godly exhaust.
Too much Ti, not enough alloy. Pipes cracked. Austin wouldn't warrantee them. Even after a few more failed.
They "Hennesey'ed" their customer base.
Pipe looked like a bag of dicks zip tied to the bottom of the Panigale anyways.
Pipe looked like a bag of dicks zip tied to the bottom of the Panigale anyways.
Pipe looked like a bag of dicks zip tied to the bottom of the Panigale anyways.