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You can say what you want about Joe, but he got the roads paved, bridges fixed, insulin cost cut, gave Medicare the ability to negotiate drug prices, put an much needed alternative minimum tax over billion dollar corporations, should have been on all corporations which is what he wanted because then when all the lying, cheating corporations would be forced to pay taxes, the top corporate tax rate could be brought down which helps small business. I'm so thankful that all the roads been paved all over the west.
I always believed that our good buddy Elon was the poster child for "better lucky than good' but he's convinced me for sure now. What a moron, unless it's intentional. If you want to reform an organization to reduce costs that's not even sorta how you'd go about it. Just moronic. What an idiot. And Fat Donnie allowing him, a bigger idiot. Unless it's intentional. Then we're basicly f**cked.
The only thing I hold against Biden was his slow response to Trump’s threat to democracy. He should’ve immediately gone hard after prosecuting Trump for his criminal activities. He allowed Trump to abuse the legal system and delay his judgment day until it was too late. History will never forgive him for unleashing Trump on the world. You don’t see Trump wasting any time destroying America, just as he promised. This time no one can say they were unaware of what Trump would do. Of course every word out of Trump’s mouth is a lie. The entire world knows America chose a criminal habitual liar as its leader. To the world, this is what America has become. The ugly American is real and like it or not, that’s how the world sees us.
It break’s my heart knowing that over half of my fellow citizens voted to end the America so many of our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for. Half of my brain understands how we got here, and the other half just can’t understand how even my own brother and sister can’t see what Trump is doing. It’s small comfort that Biden put competent people in charge of his administration. That should be the bare minimum standard for any President.
I’m truly sorry, but neglecting the existential threat of Trump is unforgivable.
Baggerman is showing that anyone can be brainwashed by the Zionist controlled Media and US Government. AIPAC and ADL.

Tell me, Baggerman, do you know exactly what a Semite is? Or the percentage of the World Wide Jewish population that is actually of Semitic origins? The truth will astound you.
Again you assume I'm an ignorant tool proving instead that you are one. Arrogant you are. If Abraham hadn't chased Hagar off would the entire middle east now be Jewish? I totally understand the dynamics of the middle east. And I recognize the complexity of the funding of Hamas. So wrong guy Bud.
The only thing I hold against Biden was his slow response to Trump’s threat to democracy. He should’ve immediately gone hard after prosecuting Trump for his criminal activities. He allowed Trump to abuse the legal system and delay his judgment day until it was too late. History will never forgive him for unleashing Trump on the world. You don’t see Trump wasting any time destroying America, just as he promised. This time no one can say they were unaware of what Trump would do. Of course every word out of Trump’s mouth is a lie. The entire world knows America chose a criminal habitual liar as its leader. To the world, this is what America has become. The ugly American is real and like it or not, that’s how the world sees us.
It break’s my heart knowing that over half of my fellow citizens voted to end the America so many of our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for. Half of my brain understands how we got here, and the other half just can’t understand how even my own brother and sister can’t see what Trump is doing. It’s small comfort that Biden put competent people in charge of his administration. That should be the bare minimum standard for any President.
I’m truly sorry, but neglecting the existential threat of Trump is unforgivable.
It scares me they can't see it. When they do it'll be too late, I suspect. He's starting to move against the generals. The American public at large is amazingly clueless.
Again you assume I'm an ignorant tool proving instead that you are one. Arrogant you are. If Abraham hadn't chased Hagar off would the entire middle east now be Jewish? I totally understand the dynamics of the middle east. And I recognize the complexity of the funding of Hamas. So wrong guy Bud.
There's a BIG difference between being a JEW .. .and being a SEMITE. 85% of Jews do not have Semitic heritage, and the 'Holy Land' was given to ALL of Abraham's progeny, not just the descendants of Isaac. All Arabs and people of the Middle East have Semitic origins. . EXCEPT the European Jews who have transplanted themselves to Palestine. Which is why, in Israel, no one is allowed to have a DNA test. It's a criminal offense and the Law was instituted after the University of Tel Aviv did a broad sample DNA analysis of both Israeli's and Palestinians, and found that most Palestinians are at least 75% Semitic origin, while less than 15% of Israelis had more than 50% Semitic origins. The rest were all Ashkenazis or other European extractions, not descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Example: Benjamin Netanyahu was a Polish Jew, named Benzion Mileikowsky, who was born in Warsaw and later emigrated to Palestine and changed his name. He has literally zero Semitic DNA in his blood.

Zionism is nothing more than a Fascist Nationalism repackaged to call Jews a 'Nation', instead of a Religion, and to impose genocide on helpless people to steal their land and legitimize the Zionist secular ideology. Zionism is not Judaism, nor is it Jewish in it's history. Many Zionists are actually Christians, Communists, Socialists, and Atheists. Until you admit that truth, you are nothing more than a Zio-Fascist extension of the ADL and AICAP...as well as the US Government.

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