It's not about what is "worth it". If one can justify the cost of any superbike with an emotional attachment towards a specific model over another, then for that person, that bike is worth it and other ways besides financial. For me personally, the R gives you an edge over a base. If money isn't an option, the R is definitely worth it. Not even cuz of all the extra bells and whistles either but because of the looks, the feel, the exclusivity. They may not be a numbered model but more owners would buy a base or S than an R, mostly due to cost. Therefore, making it a more rare model. People who buy an R aren't paying almost twice the cost of a base because they think it's a better bike for their needs...Unless of course they are racing. If that was the case, there are much cheaper options with very similar performance specs, if not better. Like I said, if cost isn't an issue, R all the way. It certainly would have been my choice if I didn't already own a Panigale. What a sexy ass 2 wheeler. Damn.