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  1. 1stduc1199

    2 years 8500 mile report and ZX14R test ride.

    8500 miles on ODO. Only issue was replaced Display due to brake fluid causing spots. The usual upgrades: race seat(hard but much better than stock 2012 seat.) Taller Puig screen, DP rear sets. Tasty little bits like Rizoma fluid tanks in Black and some Proti bolts. The review: 2 years of...
  2. jock39racer

    Australia Insure My Ride Price - Australia Only

    Gents, Just be aware that if, like myself you are with Insure my ride, they had a price reduction on September 1st. So if you had a quote or are waiting to renew your insurance go online and do a "new" quote. I saved $151 by calling them after double checking my quote after returning home...
  3. LandLawMan

    USA / East Coast GREAT No.Va. ride for Sunday 9/14

    First, greetings from the Deutsche side! And don't worry: Some of my best friends are Ducatistas. They allow me and my humble HP4 Comp among their 1199 Holiness (as long as I promise not to take any pics). Got a great ride planned tomorrow (Sunday the 14th), if any of you think you can keep...
  4. BurnCycle

    A Good Ride Gone Bad

    I had ridden my 1199 down to Wintergreen (VA) for the long weekend. My family had driven down a day earlier, so I was meeting up with them. I parked the bike in a friend's garage for the weekend since Wintergreen doesn't allow motorcycles up the mountain unless you are an owner. After a nice...
  5. D

    Ride height adjuster

    The 1199 is sensitive to ride height adjustment. So ive made a simple tie rod featuring quality spherical rod end bearings. Im not planning on mass production but will happily make a sell a few for any one interested in seriously setting up their bikes Cost? about £100GBP I'll...
  6. Kevin1199

    Duca bike ride height adjuster

    BellissiMoto - Ducabike Ride Height Adjusters Has anyone gotten this yet? I've been looking for one for awhile and I didn't see the range of adjustment on it. Looks like a quality piece just curious if anyone has taken the plunge yet.
  7. P

    Installing Termi baffles cause smoother ride!?

    Hi, Weird thing I came across yesterday: After riding my 1199 S for almost a year with the termi slip ons and baffles out, I decided to put them in yesterday. Even though I like loud exhaust as any other one on here, I somehow got annoyed lately by the loud sound when touring longer...
  8. Gunny Fitz

    What Ride Music?

    What do you guys think? Five best and five worst motorcycle songs of all time - RevZilla
  9. Chud777

    Don't ride with a Monster

    So when I traded my Gixxer in (which was actually a really nice looking white 600 from 2011) I figured I would now be in contention for passers by to also give my baby, in this case Lorenzo, some quality attention. Nope. Everywhere my guy and I go, all the love is for his 2009 Monster...

    USA / East Coast Virginia Ride To Brunch.

    Burncycle and I going to ride some backroads to brunch on Sunday. We are meeting in Amissville at the address below @ 8am: Shell 18179 Lee Hwy Amissville, VA Bernie lives closer to town. He can suggest a spot we used to meet in Haymarket. No racing, not stunts, and NO squids. We know how...
  11. Charliem90

    Ride height adjust question

    Anyone know (approximate is fine) what the relationship between turns on the ride height adjuster is to ride height? I didn't really notice last summer when switching from the Pirelli to Q3 rear the subtle difference in turn-in caused by the ~3mm difference in height. But having run a Pirelli...
  12. sean999r

    USA / Pacific Northwest Portland OR 500 mile round trip ride ?

    So I plan on picking up my R from MotoCorsa Portland June 24/25 I want to get approx 500 miles on a loop so I can return for the 600 mile service, I'm will be new to the Panigale last bikes where 5 yrs ago 999R & F1000R MV, any suggestion on where I should go. (weather permitting) suggestions...
  13. bradp51

    2 year birthday Celebration ride

    Had the bike for 2 years now as of tomorrow 24 May. So went for a spin today midweek. Just me. Have not ridden for a few weeks so it was fun. Went back to default suspension settings and found the stiffer ride pretty good. Except for a few bone jarring bumps I did not see in shadow...
  14. Jello

    Cycle World "“ Exclusive First Ride

    2014 Ducati 1199 Superleggera- Exclusive First Ride Review- Photos- Specs The last 5 paragraphs ("It wheelies at 150mph?") are really the only new content, but with a write-up/review like that... Wow am I excited! (In other news my SL status has flipped from "ON WATER" to "IN PROGRESS"...
  15. Claymore

    Superleggera Review and Ride by MCN

    If it has already been posted shoot me, but here is a quick review and ride of the SL by MCN. :cool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftBiXgZWci4
  16. 0

    Ride from NYC up to Mount Greylock, MA

    Myself and about 35 other Ducati owners got together and made a run up to the summit of Mount Greylock in Mass. Beautiful roads and great views were complemented by great riding weather. Hope to do it again next year. Photo credit goes to Nejat & Andy.
  17. Styler

    Fast yet safe road ride in NW Arkansas

    Perhaps a little over the speed limit; but this video provides a nice example of some of the roads in NW Arkansas in late April. Push Mountain following Ducati Panigale May 2014 triumph675.net - YouTube
  18. Twistedracer

    USA / Pacific Northwest 2014 All Italian Bike Ride

    Hey Folks, it's been awhile. Time to set up our all Italian Bike Ride. We got lucky with the weather last year so I'm thinking a good date for this year would be August 17. Same as last year, north and south meet up at Castle Rock at 10:00 then make the run on St. Helens. What say everybody?
  19. gnance

    Nice day to ride in Juneau

    Beautiful day here in Southeast Alaska:)
  20. M

    Nice ride over robertmoses bridge LI NY

    Easter weekend ride to the beach