Third tricolore in San Francisco!

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May 4, 2012
San fran
After nine months waiting I get a call while at work, couldn't answer long story short got a voicemail saying my baby was being hatched... I had to hit the replay 3-4 times before realizing what I heard was in fact true! Right away I jumped in the air busted out the tiger woods fist shake...unfortunately I then realized the shop was closed and was not able to pick up on Friday! It has been summer like weather wed-fri, and San Fran has bipolar weather so it's hard to know if you'll have a steady day or two of great rideing time! Saturday morning I call the minute the shop opened, was told I would be able to pick up my baby around 4pm :( I would be at work at this time but luckily was able to swing a extra hour long lunch to facilitate the pick up and signing of paper work... I still had to ride my monster to my parents house and walk to Munroe motors wich killed about 25 minutes of the 1 hr and a half granted time! Anyway I get to Munroe all sweaty because it was another summer like day in the city, immediately my eyes scan the left corner of the show floor as the last few times of visiting that was the destination for outgoing panigales! I don't see it, my vision goes into panic mode look left right left right ah I finally spotted her[Sophia] hiding behind a hideous bike, quickly I hop on her get acquainted! Sign the paperwork and vrrroooommmvvvvrrrooom!! Two interesting things I was told 1. I need not worried about oil consumption, just ride til 1000k. 2. Don't baby the bike, in other words break 6k rpm mark! So I ride off the weather outside was in the mid 70 's F , the bike was like sitting on an oven! So rideing in thick downtown mid Saturday afternoon traffic was not fun! Clutch very easy to find on the hills, test drove the street fighter afew weeks back clutch not as near the confidence of the panigales feel! Super silky feel of the road in your hands, seat very rigid and the heat was all I noticed on the mayden voyage of two long miles from Munroe to work! I pull up to the parking spot, there's a red 1198s ( very rarely I see any Ducati sport bikes ever parked there) I'm thinking perfect photo op! I'm back at work, all I can think about obviously is the tease of a ride Sophia gave me to work, mean while time hit a slow motion point! Clock finally hit the nine o clock mark! Time to ride!! I run grab my helmet , at the door waiting a friend and his girl friend waiting to see my Sophia! We decide to ride down the warf to in n out burgers, we park, fortunetly grabed an empty spot right out front! As we're ordering people began to take notice of Sophia so beautiful , the handful of times I looked over there was a flash of a camera! Sophia became an instant celebrity, I wanted to start charging for photos! After eating we head out towards the presidio and wait for another couple on a bike! At this point the weather was very crip and chill, so the oven heat felt veeerrrryy nice! I like!! Now there was five of us on three bikes, we first headed from presidio to pop Sophia's tunnel cherry, best sf tunnel, the broadway tunnel! The exhaust is crazy loud , can't wait to see how the termi s will sound! We then head through the city to the bay bridge and into treasure island! Lot s of cops out so not too much fun was able go on, although I did try race and sport modes, haven't been on wet mode since! Took some more scenic shots, will post as soon as I figure out how to post pics from the iPad, later we headed to golden gate park, a few side streets we could open up on... 40 miles later the adrenaline had finally expired, it was time to call it a night had to wake up for work in the morning! (sunday morning) I try and turn Sophia on , she took long to turn over but good news no smoke after the fifth engine start. Rode to work in a record time, gotta learn howto use the trip timer! Anyone use it yet? Also noticed the trip a and trip b are the same, how do you set them to two different trips? Today was verrrry foggy cold and misty wet, rode in sport felt good! Currently at 72 miles! It is everything I imagined and more verrrry happy, the wait was worth it! I thank God for blessing me with the opportunity to enjoy this moving piece of art! After working two jobs , eating one meal a day and fasting a few days I finally am able to enjoy the fruit of all the labor, still have to work hard as all my insurance quotes have been in the high 3 thounds and mid 4 thounds!!! Ducati Gracie Mille per un regalo Che Mai scorderro!!!
After nine months waiting I get a call while at work, couldn't answer long story short got a voicemail saying my baby was being hatched... I had to hit the replay 3-4 times before realizing what I heard was in fact true! Right away I jumped in the air busted out the tiger woods fist shake...unfortunately I then realized the shop was closed and was not able to pick up on Friday! It has been summer like weather wed-fri, and San Fran has bipolar weather so it's hard to know if you'll have a steady day or two of great rideing time! Saturday morning I call the minute the shop opened, was told I would be able to pick up my baby around 4pm :( I would be at work at this time but luckily was able to swing a extra hour long lunch to facilitate the pick up and signing of paper work... I still had to ride my monster to my parents house and walk to Munroe motors wich killed about 25 minutes of the 1 hr and a half granted time! Anyway I get to Munroe all sweaty because it was another summer like day in the city, immediately my eyes scan the left corner of the show floor as the last few times of visiting that was the destination for outgoing panigales! I don't see it, my vision goes into panic mode look left right left right ah I finally spotted her[Sophia] hiding behind a hideous bike, quickly I hop on her get acquainted! Sign the paperwork and vrrroooommmvvvvrrrooom!! Two interesting things I was told 1. I need not worried about oil consumption, just ride til 1000k. 2. Don't baby the bike, in other words break 6k rpm mark! So I ride off the weather outside was in the mid 70 's F , the bike was like sitting on an oven! So rideing in thick downtown mid Saturday afternoon traffic was not fun! Clutch very easy to find on the hills, test drove the street fighter afew weeks back clutch not as near the confidence of the panigales feel! Super silky feel of the road in your hands, seat very rigid and the heat was all I noticed on the mayden voyage of two long miles from Munroe to work! I pull up to the parking spot, there's a red 1198s ( very rarely I see any Ducati sport bikes ever parked there) I'm thinking perfect photo op! I'm back at work, all I can think about obviously is the tease of a ride Sophia gave me to work, mean while time hit a slow motion point! Clock finally hit the nine o clock mark! Time to ride!! I run grab my helmet , at the door waiting a friend and his girl friend waiting to see my Sophia! We decide to ride down the warf to in n out burgers, we park, fortunetly grabed an empty spot right out front! As we're ordering people began to take notice of Sophia so beautiful , the handful of times I looked over there was a flash of a camera! Sophia became an instant celebrity, I wanted to start charging for photos! After eating we head out towards the presidio and wait for another couple on a bike! At this point the weather was very crip and chill, so the oven heat felt veeerrrryy nice! I like!! Now there was five of us on three bikes, we first headed from presidio to pop Sophia's tunnel cherry, best sf tunnel, the broadway tunnel! The exhaust is crazy loud , can't wait to see how the termi s will sound! We then head through the city to the bay bridge and into treasure island! Lot s of cops out so not too much fun was able go on, although I did try race and sport modes, haven't been on wet mode since! Took some more scenic shots, will post as soon as I figure out how to post pics from the iPad, later we headed to golden gate park, a few side streets we could open up on... 40 miles later the adrenaline had finally expired, it was time to call it a night had to wake up for work in the morning! (sunday morning) I try and turn Sophia on , she took long to turn over but good news no smoke after the fifth engine start. Rode to work in a record time, gotta learn howto use the trip timer! Anyone use it yet? Also noticed the trip a and trip b are the same, how do you set them to two different trips? Today was verrrry foggy cold and misty wet, rode in sport felt good! Currently at 72 miles! It is everything I imagined and more verrrry happy, the wait was worth it! I thank God for blessing me with the opportunity to enjoy this moving piece of art! After working two jobs , eating one meal a day and fasting a few days I finally am able to enjoy the fruit of all the labor, still have to work hard as all my insurance quotes have been in the high 3 thounds and mid 4 thounds!!! Ducati Gracie Mille per un regalo Che Mai scorderro!!!
That's one long hell of a sentence, lost me half way :D
I don't care how exciting that is.

I'm not even going to attempt reading it.

Have some respect for your readers.
Glad you got your bike. Post is too difficult to read so I figured out through a few words in there that you are happy with it.

Now we just need to get the rest of our Baghdad By The Bay brethren on their bikes so we can do this up right!

Don't worry about the schoolmarm comments. I'm sure they were just as excited when they finally got THE WORD too. :D

OK Caliduc - we're all pulling for yours to arrive next!
I don't care how exciting that is.

I'm not even going to attempt reading it.

Have some respect for your readers.

Relax, the last I checked this was a Ducati 1199 forum. It is certainly not a english critique forum. Lets keep the comments bike related. The gentleman is clearly excited, give him a break.

I have no objections if one would like to call it an Italian critique forum. :D

Now we just need to get the rest of our Baghdad By The Bay brethren on their bikes so we can do this up right!

Don't worry about the schoolmarm comments. I'm sure they were just as excited when they finally got THE WORD too. :D

OK Caliduc - we're all pulling for yours to arrive next!

Congratulations to Tricolore3SF .. 9 months wait - WOW !

Thanks iifv .. I am waiting with baited breath.
Awesome! Congrats man! As I was reading this, I could only picture a little kid who just got off his first roller coaster ride "we went up, then we went down, and then it went fast, and we went up, then UPSIDE DOWN OH MY GOD, then we went down again, and I threw up, then we stopped, BEST DAY EVER!!"
Congrats! I'm dizzy from reading :D

Only more fun to come! Watch the tickets a good radar detector is in order :cool:
English is my third language plus only 5 hours sleep in three days you d be a zombie run on sentence monster too! Haha ! The bike is awesome if your waiting, don't give up!! Welllllll worth the wait!
Relax, the last I checked this was a Ducati 1199 forum. It is certainly not a english critique forum. Lets keep the comments bike related. The gentleman is clearly excited, give him a break.
And if we wants me to share his excitement by reading what he wrote on this 1199 forum, hitting the 'Enter' key a couple of times isn't that much to ask.

This thread is like Twitter. I'm reading the responses but don't have a clue what started it all. :)

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