1299 no electrical power, completely dead!

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Oct 3, 2022
Dublin, Ireland
Hi hope some of you experts can help I have my 1299 since February (never any issues) and the other evening I went for a spin after work and as I was riding through the main street the bike completely died with no warning just literally like the key was taken out of the ignition, anyway pulled in the clutch and coasted over to the side to figure what happened. Turned the key, no dash or sound whatsoever, press the starter button and nothing either, literally dead completely. Had to get it towed home and initially I thought maybe it’s the battery, but I connected the Ducati battery maintainer and it took the bulk charge and still nothing, so I thought right maybe it’s a fuse so checked the two fuse boxes above the battery and then checked the main fuse under the battery but none are blown. I can’t understand what’s happened, the only issue I had was a weak ago that it took 3 times to start and then I got an error for the inertial sensor, but when I rode it and when the bike heated up it went and hasn’t come back since so I don’t know if this was the start of something?? I’m hoping it’s not the ecu or something serious but I’m completely baffled as to what’s happened. Any ideas?? I can do general maintenance but when it comes to electrical I’ll be honest I haven’t a clue. I even tried the spare key in case it was the immobiliser, the only sign of life is the red flashing light at the top of the dash which I presume is the immobiliser.
Thanks for reading and I really appreciate any help or advice, next stop will be back to Ducati but I’m hoping against hope it’s something simple
There's an earthing bolt under the battery that has come loose on someone else's bike that caused issues. I'd start there.
oh no, sorry to hear Simon. I have not had or heard of this issue, but there is a lot of info online. Keep searching and keep us posted buddy. Good luck

oh no, sorry to hear Simon. I have not had or heard of this issue, but there is a lot of info online. Keep searching and keep us posted buddy. Good luck


Thanks Jag, tried searching online but there’s nothing on it so it’s a bit worrying!!
There's an earthing bolt under the battery that has come loose on someone else's bike that caused issues. I'd start there.

Thanks I’ll check it out, weather is bad here the next 2 days so won’t get to check until Thursday so hopefully!
Try the carbon filter. You possibly got vapor-locked. Removing the filter is easy and capping off the hoses. It takes roughly 10-15 mins. My 1299s would stall while underway, completely shut off. I removed the carbon filter and never had the issue again. Dealers couldn’t tell me what happened either. Good luck.
Black box? The unit that conveys things to ECU can do bizarre things. I think it had the inertia sensor in it. Also called BBS unit.
Chuck a new battery in. Mine died and the charger said it was still fine but that was the culprit.

Could well be alright I’ll be able to check properly once this weather clears, don’t have a garage unfortunately
Try the carbon filter. You possibly got vapor-locked. Removing the filter is easy and capping off the hoses. It takes roughly 10-15 mins. My 1299s would stall while underway, completely shut off. I removed the carbon filter and never had the issue again. Dealers couldn’t tell me what happened either. Good luck.

Thanks DesmoRR, Where is the carbon filter located?cause funny you say it stalled in traffic a while back from downshifting from 2nd to 1st
Black box? The unit that conveys things to ECU can do bizarre things. I think it had the inertia sensor in it. Also called BBS unit.

Thanks airjawed, is that located at the front behind the headlights??
It might cause a stall, but it won't be related to you're electrical problem
It might cause a stall, but it won't be related to you're electrical problem

Yeah I was thinking that, I’ve no power at all. I’ll check that earthing bolt first and go from there. Thanks for all the help everyone, I’ll let you know how I get on over the next few days
Did you get the Ducati upmap installed at the dealer? Hoping they didn’t fry the ECU (though you’d think it would happen at the dealer). Even w a fried ECU it should still crank.

Hope that fresh battery does the trick.

Yeah on startup it comes up racing, just very strange, would it be normal if a battery was dead for the bike to cut out mid ride?

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