@Gouldilocks I wrote a reply in this same thread Which may answer some of your questions. I will answer those questions not in that thread.
In my case I am pretty familiar with vendor sagas, especially when they have your deposit, so as a general rule I always condition a deposit for any purchase (cars, bikes, watches, property, etc) to some type of binding agreement and timeframe. I explained in this thread what I did
SF V4S - Any members know a US dealer with one?
Pretty much the moment I told the dealer I was about to “walk”, within a few hours he had found me a bike. Sometimes these dealers are lazy and unless you threaten they prefer to sit watching youtube videos haha.
“I am starting to wonder if all the bikes currently stateside have been distributed” - yes they are all at their respective dealers now and all those bikes (Beyond those that were allocated a test bike) that dealers received technically had firm pre-deposits on them. So, if you’re 4-5 in the list and your deposit was placed in Jan (pre-covid) then there isn’t a logical reason why yours wasn’t within the first shipment that has arrived in the states around three weeks ago.
“And how the trickling out of bike is handled” if your bike wasn’t shipped to your dealer in that first shipment then either they didn’t order with Ducati USA immediately when you gave your deposit or something else happened at your dealer. As I mentioned above, dealers are lazy, especially when the bikes don’t just arrive by themselves in crates after being ordered. In this case, the dealer has to do some additional leg work which includes: 1. calling/contacting ducati USA and asking them which dealers haven’t sold bikes they got (yet) and getting Ducati USA to force said other dealer to ship the unsold bike to them. 2. Calling/contacting other dealers directly to get a bike that way (usually includes some back scratching between dealers). Both 1 and 2 require your dealer get off his butt, which is always the hard part.
When I told my dealer I was about to walk and wanted my deposit back, I had already located two unsold bikes by myself, both with help from members of this forum. I would have simply bought one of those and had it shipped to me.
“Concern the bike won’t be as raw as the others” I have written a few reviews about the bike over the past few days on this thread. Unlike you, I cannot compare the bike to other Ducati’s since before this the only one I’d ridden was a 916 in 1994. My opinions compare the bike to those in my signature and, one I still own, the BMW. I will continue to post opinions on the bike through the coming days.