I've had mine since march. Since I go to the track every other week or so I might fall off eventually and to risk 7 huns would not be the end of the world.
Here is how it went:
Within minutes after ordering I had an E-mail in my inbox. Thinking it was an automated response I got right back with a silly question to make sure it was an actual person I was talking to. It was a real person and they offered to personnalize the kit free of charge. I asked to have my racing number on it wich they said they would gladly do. 2 weeks later I get another E-mail with detailed pictures of the finished kit asking for my approbation before shipping.
Received the kit another 10 days later and was amazed by the quality of the finish. For sure there are minor glitches but overall I was very satisfied. Fit was as good as OEM, the only thing is the red doesn't quite match OEM paint but it takes a very keen eye to notice.
Got several E-mails inquiring about my satisfaction and asking for pictures for their site.
After 5k km, a mounting tab on the tail section has cracked. The paint is more scratch resistent than OEM and the kit has held up very well.
My expectation was for the kit to last for the season and I could then chuck it in the bin without hesitation and get a new one for next year. All this with brand new OEM fairings in a box awating resale of a pristine looking used bike.