Good runs Copiya! I'll give you a hint though to knock off about a half second off your time that I told my friend a while ago. It really helps. He was on a newer GSXR1000, went from not breaking an 11.1 to doing a 10.6 two runs later.
"Start rolling off the clutch at the third yellow light." It gives you a near perfect reaction time. I assume your track uses a half second light tree. I had reaction times on my 848 of .02, .08, and a few .00whatever's... I had a hard time hooking up on the Panigale as I posted before cause I ran only 20 psi, never played with the pressure before and I found out it was the culprit to my slow reaction time and spinning off the line, so probably not gonna run lower than maybe 34 psi next time. Plus the faulty secondary injector which caused my top end loss. Anyways, try that little bit of advice and see what you get. It will drastically change your times.