AR Inconel Install

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Those numbers look surprisingly close to the AR numbers...and from an inferior product too:D

Yea I believe AR with their power claims but IMHO the Termi has larger 70 MM dia. Headers which makes up for the lost power due to the mufflers which evens things out if you do the right tune.
Exactly Don't feel bad for AR, they're able to stand up for themselves. Remember I've shelled out the cash and have the system so I am a fan of the product.

Really their claim over the Termis is still to be tested. There was also a fair bit of derision around the Tuneboy product from them, but now its got the 190hp out of their pipe its not too shabby ;)

So if you want to dish it out you gotta take it, and not get heated.

I'm looking forward to the Tuneboy map from Copiya's bike being used as the starting point for mine - it'll be mint!

It's impressive to me that its your bike that started this thread, so if anyone should be irrational and emotional about it, it should be you. However, you value all of the "trolls" legitimate questions while at the same time working to achieve the results you were promised after the first bit of data was unimpressive. It says a lot that you can remain far more objective than those who don't own the product. Well done sir:cool:
Yea I believe AR with their power claims but IMHO the Termi has larger 70 MM dia. Headers which makes up for the lost power due to the mufflers which evens things out if you do the right tune.

So, are you suggesting that a perfectly tuned Termi full system may be comparable to a perfectly tuned AR system? If so, may you be banned forever you miserable troll;)
I read a post stating, what would the point be of us giving out false figures!

Exactly... Never have done, never will.

Thanks for all the pm support:)
It's impressive to me that its your bike that started this thread, so if anyone should be irrational and emotional about it, it should be you. However, you value all of the "trolls" legitimate questions while at the same time working to achieve the results you were promised after the first bit of data was unimpressive. It says a lot that you can remain far more objective than those who don't own the product. Well done sir:cool:

Well said, and I truly believe WAF will exceed the gains he is looking for if the Dyno is done correctly.
It's impressive to me that its your bike that started this thread, so if anyone should be irrational and emotional about it, it should be you. However, you value all of the "trolls" legitimate questions while at the same time working to achieve the results you were promised after the first bit of data was unimpressive. It says a lot that you can remain far more objective than those who don't own the product. Well done sir:cool:

Wow thanks! :D A couple of members PM'd me when I took the plunge and asked me to be honest about the experience as they were considering the same purchase ,which has probably helped me stay more objective.
Wow thanks! :D A couple of members PM'd me when I took the plunge and asked me to be honest about the experience as they were considering the same purchase ,which has probably helped me stay more objective.

It is appreciated by all of us. I'm rooting for you to achieve the performance gains you are looking for. You've already got the looks and weight loss factors covered. The fact that you started this thread has probably (though uncomfortably) taught most of us something about these bikes and how they respond to exhaust and fueling. We all knew that optimal fueling is key (see up map nightmare), but we've also learned that none of the exhausts are truly plug & play if you want maximum results. I would bet that Rich will be more cautious, when the next round of great products are produced, not to even open the door to criticism about competitors. Respectfully - Feel free to discuss/dispute that thought Rich. It's clearly a fantastic product but its virtually impossible to make superiority claims. I will say, in spite of what many have implied about "hating", I have a great appreciation for Rich being here all along the development process. Well, I've probably said enough:eek:
I was never happy with the looks of the Termis and to me they were much too quiet, the AR system has certainly sorted this out! It looks better, its lighter and it sounds like a race bike. I love it and it now wheelies off the power in 4th:)
All in all I think this has been a great thread... I thought a while back it should just be consigned to history but now I see it as hugely informative.. Great job Waf.. and like other posters here I truly hope you get outta this pipe what you should.... I have learned a lot here... For me I am sticking with my Termi slips.. Bike is awesome as it is... will I do more to eek out more power?? Probably not.. I am doing the 15/41 sprocket.. riding it a couple of of yrs more..then buying a Hp4...

To AR I would ask that you take comments more constructively and see that we are bound to question claims made by sellers... its a normal healthy function of a forum.. Not trolling...
Your pipe still needs more than just Pug'n'play and that's really the point...
It is appreciated by all of us. I'm rooting for you to achieve the performance gains you are looking for. You've already got the looks and weight loss factors covered. The fact that you started this thread has probably (though uncomfortably) taught most of us something about these bikes and how they respond to exhaust and fueling. We all knew that optimal fueling is key (see up map nightmare), but we've also learned that none of the exhausts are truly plug & play if you want maximum results. I would bet that Rich will be more cautious, when the next round of great products are produced, not to even open the door to criticism about competitors. Respectfully - Feel free to discuss/dispute that thought Rich. It's clearly a fantastic product but its virtually impossible to make superiority claims. I will say, in spite of what many have implied about "hating", I have a great appreciation for Rich being here all along the development process. Well, I've probably said enough:eek:

It's not like the old days when you change your exhaust system you just throw in a jet kit and turn a screw. It's way more complicated these days with fuel injection and ECU's to get the most of your exhaust systems. Regardless of what system you choose it is an expensive solution for such small gains. For $4K you can do a hell of a lot to an engine to get huge gains but unfortunately you need the exhaust system to support it and that is where the exhaust manufactures get ya. Think about $4k is almost 1/4 or 1/5 for (S) of the bikes price. Is it worth getting if you are not going to tune your engine?
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I always do listen to constructive criticism with open ears but I do not like certain members trying to blacken our good name with insinuations of false claims before all of the testing had even started yet alone been completed. In future I would hope that an open mind is kept by all until everything has been tested and a realisation that AR are not here to .........

I very nearly called it a day with this forum as I just felt insulted, especially after the many hours I personally spent bringing you such a great exhaust for such a great bike. The pm's and emails made me realise the vast majority are great guys and very appreciative of the time and effort spent. Not searching for compliments but also can do without the heavy duty negativity.

After all, I originally came and asked for opinions on design for this system to be sure to give you something you all wanted.

I want to also add that our system is a plug and play system depending on how you run it with the inserts and up maps.

All good :)

Group buy thread is looking good on numbers to be able to include a fuelling solution to optimise power.
It is appreciated by all of us. I'm rooting for you to achieve the performance gains you are looking for. You've already got the looks and weight loss factors covered. The fact that you started this thread has probably (though uncomfortably) taught most of us something about these bikes and how they respond to exhaust and fueling. We all knew that optimal fueling is key (see up map nightmare), but we've also learned that none of the exhausts are truly plug & play if you want maximum results. I would bet that Rich will be more cautious, when the next round of great products are produced, not to even open the door to criticism about competitors. Respectfully - Feel free to discuss/dispute that thought Rich. It's clearly a fantastic product but its virtually impossible to make superiority claims. I will say, in spite of what many have implied about "hating", I have a great appreciation for Rich being here all along the development process. Well, I've probably said enough:eek:

I'm just telling it as I see it but just so we don't get too serious I thought I'd share an Australian dictionary definition:

Root (verb and noun) : synonym for f*ck in nearly all its senses: "I feel rooted"; "this washing machine is rooted"; "(s)he's a good root". A very useful word in fairly polite company.
All in all I think this has been a great thread... I thought a while back it should just be consigned to history but now I see it as hugely informative.. Great job Waf.. and like other posters here I truly hope you get outta this pipe what you should.... I have learned a lot here... For me I am sticking with my Termi slips.. Bike is awesome as it is... will I do more to eek out more power?? Probably not.. I am doing the 15/41 sprocket.. riding it a couple of of yrs more..then buying a Hp4...

To AR I would ask that you take comments more constructively and see that we are bound to question claims made by sellers... its a normal healthy function of a forum.. Not trolling...
Your pipe still needs more than just Pug'n'play and that's really the point...
+1 Well said sir. For once we don't disagree. :D
I always do listen to constructive criticism with open ears but I do not like certain members trying to blacken our good name with insinuations of false claims before all of the testing had even started yet alone been completed. In future I would hope that an open mind is kept by all until everything has been tested and a realisation that AR are not here to .........

I very nearly called it a day with this forum as I just felt insulted, especially after the many hours I personally spent bringing you such a great exhaust for such a great bike. The pm's and emails made me realise the vast majority are great guys and very appreciative of the time and effort spent. Not searching for compliments but also can do without the heavy duty negativity.

After all, I originally came and asked for opinions on design for this system to be sure to give you something you all wanted.

I want to also add that our system is a plug and play system depending on how you run it with the inserts and up maps.

All good :)

Group buy thread is looking good on numbers to be able to include a fuelling solution to optimise power.

Arrrgh... Rich... Geesh...How sensitive a man are you?? Not so sensitive that it stopped you saying some less than complimentary things about the Termis... well having done that please expect to be a man and take that same stuff in return...
If you want it all nicey nicey its simple... Sell your product and keep quiet about everyone elses... its really that simple...

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