The charts shown in wmcdonal's post translated to a rough bottom end with mild surging during part throttle acceleration and again during constant throttle/speed. This was not very pleasant especially in traffic.
I will post some video later that I took of the bike accelerating hard from a stand still and you will see/hear what I'm talking about.
After spending a few hours with wmcdonal at the Tuneboy HQ here is my short review.
The results are absolutely amazing.
Peak power when compared to the RB was insignificant (3hp gain) however my AF ratios are now perfect right through the range (as per the graphs) and we even amended the throttle openings from factory spec to provide maximum HP throughout. All of this is done via a reflash of the stock ecu and this can not be done via any piggy back period!
I can't put into words how happy I am with this result, this is a completely new beast, It is so strong, smooth and linear from anywhere in the range I can't get the grin off my face.
It is smoother than it has ever been before and puts down a clean 190HP with outright authority.
Oh and the freaking sound when it's on song like this is simply out of this world!
The AR exhaust with Tune Boy engine management is the only way to go as far as I'm concerned. What an amazing result, this is the ultimate performance combination.
It all comes together for me now, it looks amazing sounds amazing and the performance is wickedly amazing.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention, they even installed cruise control on my bike.
I can set the speed at any time using the start button and the menu up/down keys reduce or increase the speed by 1km/h increments, it speeds up on hills and decelerates down hills, as soon as the brake or clutch are pulled, it switches off. How cool is that.
I seriously couldn't be happier, thanks to Austin Racing for the master piece exhaust and to Tuneboy for the icing on the cake.
It just cant get any better than this.
WAFatboy - you are in for a real treat my friend