And now on to the elephant in the room and to answer the question 'what did she do on the dyno?' I'll put the graph with the before and after runs below but here is the summary:
Old = 185.8 BHP / 97.71 Ftlb
New = 187.04BHP / 97.5 Ftlb
Sounds like a waste of time looking at the numbers but what it doesn't tell you is the shape of the two curves when compared side by side. Between 4-6k revs, the after curve has a massive increase in both torque and power (about 20%) which is what I was feeling on the road. Before, it would chug at ow revs, get going and then go bats hit crazy at 7500+RPM. Now it pulls smoothly and like the proverbial train before sgoing just as crazy after.
It makes it feel far less of an all or nothing bike to ride which is one of criticisms levelled at the 1199. I know it was improved for the 1299 but neither like low revs too much. I'm a little disappointed there wasn't a bigger headline number but 187bhp (at the back wheel) is pretty damn healthy. I don't know if the second run was hampered by the bike wanting to slide on the dyno roller but the tester seemed happy with it.
Here's the graph:
20180510_170133 by Matt Bly, on Flickr
I'm trying to upload the second run but the first dyno run is below:
20180509_100720 by Matt Bly, on Flickr
Thanks for reading.
Old = 185.8 BHP / 97.71 Ftlb
New = 187.04BHP / 97.5 Ftlb
Sounds like a waste of time looking at the numbers but what it doesn't tell you is the shape of the two curves when compared side by side. Between 4-6k revs, the after curve has a massive increase in both torque and power (about 20%) which is what I was feeling on the road. Before, it would chug at ow revs, get going and then go bats hit crazy at 7500+RPM. Now it pulls smoothly and like the proverbial train before sgoing just as crazy after.
It makes it feel far less of an all or nothing bike to ride which is one of criticisms levelled at the 1199. I know it was improved for the 1299 but neither like low revs too much. I'm a little disappointed there wasn't a bigger headline number but 187bhp (at the back wheel) is pretty damn healthy. I don't know if the second run was hampered by the bike wanting to slide on the dyno roller but the tester seemed happy with it.
Here's the graph:

I'm trying to upload the second run but the first dyno run is below:

Thanks for reading.