does your V4 sound this bad during startup

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Apr 21, 2022
san antonio texas
does you any or you guys v4s sound this bad during start and warmup
listen closely at about 11.5 to 12 seconds youll hear it popping where the cylinder lights and goes out again and relights..
is this normal behavior during startup, almost sounds like its running 2 cylinder mode
once warmed up for about 40 seconds or so, it clears up and runs fine. except for another problem im having but thats another
my logic is to get a known map that i know for sure has not been modded by PO, then mods removed but no factory map reinstalled.
so i could have a clean base to tune from when i got to that point. but found out recently that woolich tuner gives no control to BBS functions
so im rethinking, but thats another story as well.
was gonna take it to the dealership today to get a factory map, any software updates and have the adaptations reset
but got some rain and i dont rain this bike. i know thats diva but ill get another bike to ride in the rain.

i was thinking the same... even on warm or hot days, it sounds like this just maybe without the popping. ill get it in to the dealership for a flash and resets see if it fixes that.. it sounds like a really bad tune. if it was a coil or injector it would continue to run crappy or get worse.. but it runs prefect once warm.
i think i will check the plugs before i take it to the dealership
A shotgun of a guess, but I'd check the bolts which hold the resistor packs for the plugs to the head. One of mine...from one of the front cylinders, and I think the front would be more prone to completely backing out, was in my lower fairing once. There was a NHTSA bulletin about them backing out and leading to a loss or power or running rough.
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All v4 bikes have a so called catalyst heating function. A combination of increased idle speed, lean mixture and retarded ignition angle is creating higher exhaust gas temperatures in order to get the catalyst up to operating temperature quicker.

I can disable this function and the bike has a smoother idle right after cold starts.
All v4 bikes have a so called catalyst heating function. A combination of increased idle speed, lean mixture and retarded ignition angle is creating higher exhaust gas temperatures in order to get the catalyst up to operating temperature quicker.

I can disable this function and the bike has a smoother idle right after cold starts.
Brother I wish I was closer to in Texas..but after thinking About what was going on somewhere. I did some research and I found that the quote that is above here is indeed true I just Didn't know how ducati's especially the V four's warm up with the 2 cylinder mode stuff going on and the catalytic converters. You know this is a new thing for me so I really didn't know but I decided to go ahead and check the plugs I was thinking maybe the. Plugs are fouled because I know when these are written and cold weather and you know different things like that and not written a little more spirited they tend. To foul spark plugs so I thought I'd check it and found that indeed the spark plugs were a lot more foul than I think they should be. But I don't think that's the problem but. At all of the bolts to the coil packs were tight so I'm gonna put in some new plugs and put it back together and see how. It runs but I'm still gonna take it to the dealership and have them check for software updates put in reload a fresh map so I know I. 'Ve got a good basemap and reset the what is it called? The adaptations so it can re learn this stuff. I don't know where the bite came from. It could come from high altitude I bought it used. It could have come from a cold weather high altitude region so you know. I don't know but still they're adaptations so they should. Reallylearn an adapt to a different you know weather so I'm not sure if any of this is gonna work but. Still the information in the quote above definitely gives me some peace of mind because I don't know how these things work so and it's not easy to Find information like how these things warm up and you know. The process is to take place so thanks for that. I do appreciate it but here's a picture of the plugs. They are definitely fouled in my opinion but not really to the point that it would cause a bad running so we'll see but thank you guys all. For looking I do appreciate it it just sounded. Really. Bad on startup and it definitely sounded lean to me. So you know? We'll see. Again? Thank you all for looking and for the replies I do appreciate your time guys
put new plugs in it, you guys know the process involved, i made fast time until i needed the 12mm deep socket 12 point, had to wait till saturday morning, to go find one then cut it down in the lathe to fit in the hole, but it definitely sounds much better during warmup, starts just a tad faster, anyway now i just need to make it to the dealership. thank you guys for the input
bad news, i went to start it earlier...sunday,,,, it took 29 attempts and putting it on a charger to finally get a start, it would just crank like it its not even getting spark, it would sputter a few times. then finally, it just ripped over like nothing was wrong, i have no way of knowing because i dont have a diagnostic tool yet for it, but im gonna just buy a new rpm/crank position sensor.. the air temp sensor seems to be fine its about 2deg F off , but ill replace the crank sensor just in case its on the fritz, not likely but ill put one on it any way. frustrating, at least ill know all these things are not the problem, and when it comes time to tune, i know they are good parts
does the V4 have a cam position sensor i cant find it on the parts diagram
the new sensor came in, i compared resistances, the original has a good bit more resistance, than the new one but without knowing what the min and maxes are who knows, but the good news is, it has started every single time since the new sensor was put in. and the warmups are much smoother without the popping. so im gonna go with thats fixed.
does you any or you guys v4s sound this bad during start and warmup
listen closely at about 11.5 to 12 seconds youll hear it popping where the cylinder lights and goes out again and relights..
is this normal behavior during startup, almost sounds like its running 2 cylinder mode
once warmed up for about 40 seconds or so, it clears up and runs fine. except for another problem im having but thats another
my logic is to get a known map that i know for sure has not been modded by PO, then mods removed but no factory map reinstalled.
so i could have a clean base to tune from when i got to that point. but found out recently that woolich tuner gives no control to BBS functions
so im rethinking, but thats another story as well.
was gonna take it to the dealership today to get a factory map, any software updates and have the adaptations reset
but got some rain and i dont rain this bike. i know thats diva but ill get another bike to ride in the rain.

Mine does the exact same thing...I sometimes commute the bike to work (around 10min of traffic riding). When the bike is left over night the first cold start is terrible... when I leave work later that day the "second" cold start of the day is always way better (most times like it was before). Did you manage to get this resolved and what was the solution?
No I did not...what I was told was that during startup it' is with low timing to push thd heat to the catalytic converters to get them up to operating temperature quicker...I don't have another v4 here to compare to but it's n I ce to hear mine isn't the only one...only thing that has changed is the tune and the exhaust I made has made the popping during cold starts sound like gun fire lololol.. it really gets people's attention does seem like a janky sound to be coming from such a beautiful bike though...but I've come to accept her how she sounds lol..kinda dig it now
i should add that after cleaning the plugs it started much better and smoother except on cooler mornings when it pops and shoots flames out the exhaust
No I did not...what I was told was that during startup it' is with low timing to push thd heat to the catalytic converters to get them up to operating temperature quicker...I don't have another v4 here to compare to but it's n I ce to hear mine isn't the only one...only thing that has changed is the tune and the exhaust I made has made the popping during cold starts sound like gun fire lololol.. it really gets people's attention does seem like a janky sound to be coming from such a beautiful bike though...but I've come to accept her how she sounds lol..kinda dig it now

Who told you that this is normal? I find it hard to believe that this is normal given that for the first 30-40 seconds the bike sounds as if it is going to die and if I start it up in the garage my eyes burn from the little bit of smoke that comes out...but it will then pop and misfire clearing itself to which the revs climb to the "normal" 2000 rpm during cold starts.... but I mean the bike runs 100% when up to temp with no issues. I've had the AFR reset numerous times, tried the disconnect battery to reset ECM trick but nothing seems to help...I mean if this is normal then I can live with just doesn't sound or feel normal and the last thing I want is the bike to self destruct when starting in the morning...
i was told this by an engine tuner who as far as i can tell does amazing work, he chose not to just the startup settings, but the start up tune can be adjusted i would assume like any thing else on the map..... and all this popping and surging can be tuned out, it just can be trouble some because you have a small window with which to work during is temperature affected for sure, cuz the cooler it gets the worst mine sounds, think its just part of getting the catalytic converters up to temp as quickly as possible... but mine does the exact same thing as yours...when its cooler weather i start it, it runs like .... then after about 20-30 seconds the rpms go up it smooths out warms up then idles come down to normal and it runs would think this would smooth out..but mine has never smoothed out on the startup. so it must be tuned this way...and the only readon i can think of is the cats ..
the only thing that did help was cleaning my sparkplugs, i noticed a but smoother startup..the plugs were very carbon fouled. from the previous owner.. after 1k miles with new tune i will check the plugs to see what they are doing in the color dept.
it could be sub par O2 sensors used by ducati..etc etc.. but there seems to be np ill effects other than the janke sound that come from it LOL. for sure though i have never owned a bike that sounded that ...... during warmup LOL
i was told this by an engine tuner who as far as i can tell does amazing work, he chose not to just the startup settings, but the start up tune can be adjusted i would assume like any thing else on the map..... and all this popping and surging can be tuned out, it just can be trouble some because you have a small window with which to work during is temperature affected for sure, cuz the cooler it gets the worst mine sounds, think its just part of getting the catalytic converters up to temp as quickly as possible... but mine does the exact same thing as yours...when its cooler weather i start it, it runs like .... then after about 20-30 seconds the rpms go up it smooths out warms up then idles come down to normal and it runs would think this would smooth out..but mine has never smoothed out on the startup. so it must be tuned this way...and the only readon i can think of is the cats ..
the only thing that did help was cleaning my sparkplugs, i noticed a but smoother startup..the plugs were very carbon fouled. from the previous owner.. after 1k miles with new tune i will check the plugs to see what they are doing in the color dept.
it could be sub par O2 sensors used by ducati..etc etc.. but there seems to be np ill effects other than the janke sound that come from it LOL. for sure though i have never owned a bike that sounded that ...... during warmup LOL

Thanks man, I guess it is "normal" then. It puts my mind at ease at least. I will just take it as a normal start up procedure and see if it maybe improves during the warmer months ahead (winter my side at the moment). Thanks again
Definitely sounds like there's some issue at play. Two cylinder mode on my bike sounds just like 4 only quieter.

No I did not...what I was told was that during startup it' is with low timing to push thd heat to the catalytic converters to get them up to operating temperature quicker...I don't have another v4 here to compare to but it's n I ce to hear mine isn't the only one...only thing that has changed is the tune and the exhaust I made has made the popping during cold starts sound like gun fire lololol.. it really gets people's attention does seem like a janky sound to be coming from such a beautiful bike though...but I've come to accept her how she sounds lol..kinda dig it now

My bike pops a bit like gun fire at cold start after the exhaust change. I personally did a Woolich tune recently and attribute this to a 'Lean pop' caused by deficit mixture. Adjusting the idle point tables with woolich has almost negated it, but still pops every now and then for a bit. The retarded timing and mixture that you mentioned for the cat heatup is on point.
does you any or you guys v4s sound this bad during start and warmup
listen closely at about 11.5 to 12 seconds youll hear it popping where the cylinder lights and goes out again and relights..
is this normal behavior during startup, almost sounds like its running 2 cylinder mode
once warmed up for about 40 seconds or so, it clears up and runs fine. except for another problem im having but thats another
my logic is to get a known map that i know for sure has not been modded by PO, then mods removed but no factory map reinstalled.
so i could have a clean base to tune from when i got to that point. but found out recently that woolich tuner gives no control to BBS functions
so im rethinking, but thats another story as well.
was gonna take it to the dealership today to get a factory map, any software updates and have the adaptations reset
but got some rain and i dont rain this bike. i know thats diva but ill get another bike to ride in the rain.

Theres an Idle map update that addresses this. In my case, during startup. I had the lean-pop, but simultaneously the exhaust fumes were so bad, that if you were close to the bike without any wind, the fumes caused eye irritation then the bike would stall. I’m unsure, how a bike that starts lean to heat the cats can also foul plugs and emit strong exhaust fumes but it did. The new idle map from Ducati didn't totally solve the cause (in my case) But it did improve the symptoms.
I refused to believe a fuel injected bike should start like this. At first I just added some injecter cleaner and fuel stabilizer (here in SA we don't always have the cleanest fuel). It would alleviate the symptoms but the bike would have moments where the bike sounded like it was going to explode during cold starts.

Long story short I went on a ride and got the dreaded low battery indication on my dash and shortly the bike died....this turned out to be a failed stator coil that I got replaced under warranty. Ever since this stator coil has been replaced my bike starts perfectly like it did when it was new every time. 3000km down the line and still the same. When the bike stands for a while I put the battery on a charger to keep it tip top. Now I am not saying this was the cause of the issue but it is too coinsidental to ignore. I know the Ducati's (new and old) are very sensitive to cranking amps (especially during cold starts when the bike needs to work harder) so perhaps a weak battery or other issue with the electronic charging system is causing this issue. Worh checking in my opinion... Good luck

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