Ducati Dealer Vs. Harley Dealer

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Have to agree - my experience with Frasers Sydney was .... as well - lots of waiting around, (almost felt they didnt really want my $$) same with the paperwork: just have to wait until the finance guy is ready for you (really - for 46k?!?!?). Have to say when I finally got the bike the walk through from the workshop was quite good but my first service experience was a joke - I live at the other end of Sydney so asked to do a wait/serive - told it would only be a 2 hours ....5.5 hours later after I asked several times did they produce my bike back ...after the mech came back from lunch, and that was with me being there first at 7:30am before opening s o how the .... did it take so long when pre booked a week prior. Frasers Sydney have to be the biggest bunch of C#$nts in motorcycling (at least for Ducati) Yes quote me in that Frasers!!! Being a rider of 45+ years i have bought quite a few bikes new over the years but def the worst has been Frasers Sydney. Dreading the next service!!!! .... PS the HD guys seemed a nice bumch of guys in the same complex :) .... sorry cant ride one of those yet ...maybe when I am 70 :)

Thats really odd..
I've experienced the exact opposite from Frasers Sydney, and I didn't even buy my bike from them.
I just stuck my head in for a sticky beak one time, way back when I was eagerly waiting for my Pani.
They seemed really nice and helpful, so I thought I'd try a service with them. The rest is history, I've been back ever since :D
Thats really odd..
I've experienced the exact opposite from Frasers Sydney, and I didn't even buy my bike from them.
I just stuck my head in for a sticky beak one time, way back when I was eagerly waiting for my Pani.
They seemed really nice and helpful, so I thought I'd try a service with them. The rest is history, I've been back ever since :D

The Frasers guys in Melbourne have been as good if not better than any other bike store I have been to. It can come down to the individuals.
I have to agree with this article. HD makes a good portion of their revenue from their overpriced motor clothes. I no longer purchase any of their bling, do-dads, shirts, etc as most of it is of lower quality than comparable items and most is made offshore.

Back in college, everyone I knew HAD to have a HD leather jacket, though 9 out of 10 wearing one had never been on two wheels. Going to parties looked like a Social Distortion fan club meeting.
I don't want this to turn into a flog on the dealership about this topic, But where is the dealership? I just moved here and was told the closest was Daytona, correct? I had to drive 2 hrs to the last dealership in VA. I'm hoping this won't be the case again.
I don't want this to turn into a flog on the dealership about this topic, But where is the dealership? I just moved here and was told the closest was Daytona, correct? I had to drive 2 hrs to the last dealership in VA. I'm hoping this won't be the case again.

He must have purchased from Daytona. I know JeffD goes there, but I prefer Melillimoto and they will come to Jacksonville and pick up your bike.
As I've mentioned in my intro, I just purchased my first Ducati. Over the last two years I've also purchase 7 Harleys and still have four of them. When I purchased the Ducati, a couple of things struck me as being "different" from the Harley experience (I know this applies to other brands as well), for example:

- My local Harley dealers (2 of them) are open seven days a week and the service department also runs 7 days. Ducati, closed on Sunday and Monday. What business closes for 2 days, especially on a day when people are off like on Sunday?

Try being a tech at a 12/7 Harley shop and report back. Days off is better for everyone. You don't want an exhausted tech spinning wrenches on your bike.

- No test ride? The salesperson looked at me like I was nuts when I asked to test ride the Panigale. At the HD store: Sure, let me get a plate on the bike and take her out. It can't be a price thing, the Ducati was 22ish, I've test riden $45K Harleys.

Harleys have 20 horsepower. I didn't know that any dealer allowed rides, unless a demo model was around.

- At Ducati: We're working on the paperwork, go sit in the middle of the store in front of a TV with a screaming kid to keep you company. We will let you know when it's ok to come over to our desk. At HD: Make yourself comfortable in the lounge. Can I get you a Coke or something?
The Ducati dealers chairs were plenty comfortable for me. Are we getting a bit picky?

- When the bike was delivered, started it for the first time and the first thing I notice: fuel light was on. Since I had not read the manual yet and the guy that delivered it did zero walk through on the bike, I had to look in the tank with a flashlight to see how little gas was in there. At HD: Full tank of gas included along with an extensive walk through on the bike to be sure I knew how to operate everything. Nothing on the Ducati.

Fire marshals can be pricks about stupid stuff, and could care a F less about code and whether or not your doing it right. If they want almost empty tanks, then they get almost empty tanks. Many Ducati dealers are part of building with other tenants. They might be oonly alloed to have 50g of fuel indoors.

- As I was getting ready to leave, the GM of the Ducati store came over to thank me. However, he did not bother to take off his helmet or sunglasses. I guess he likes to be anonymous. At the HD store, I get a helmet-less handshake from the GM and a call from the owner (I have purchased a few bikes from them).
I wish my Harley dealer Exec's actually rode. Mine just dripped some burger grease sweat of his fat head, onto me, then tried selling me some more chrome and gay tassles.

There are a few other things, but you get the idea. HD just seems more customer focused. I know, I've heard crap about HD stores before as well, but the ones in Jacksonville really go above and beyond.

But, I still love the Panigale.

My Ducati dealer experience was far better than any other.
Want that bike, sure no problem. Fill out this form and our bank will call you in the morning. No stress at all. They did forget a few parts though, but that's because they like to show off optional parts on the floor models. They solved that well be giving me some upgraded parts. They did demo all the programming. But I knew how to setup an 1199, long before I even saw one in person.

Ford??? hahaha, I'm a Ford guy, but I have to lock my guns up at home really well, when I need to deal with those pricks. Noone goes to a Ford/GM/Dodge dealer and gets treated well anymore in my area. Cheap bastards don't pay their techs, and that attitude trickles up through everything. Without quality techs, an entire dealer, or brand name suffers.
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I don't want this to turn into a flog on the dealership about this topic, But where is the dealership? I just moved here and was told the closest was Daytona, correct? I had to drive 2 hrs to the last dealership in VA. I'm hoping this won't be the case again.

I don't really want to call them out by name but they are in central Florida.
He must have purchased from Daytona. I know JeffD goes there, but I prefer Melillimoto and they will come to Jacksonville and pick up your bike.

I have heard good things about the shop in Daytona. That is where I plan on going for service since there are no shops that I know of in Jacksonville.
I bought my Harley while doing some contract work from Rommel in Annapolis, MD. Very easy experience, great sales person. Three years later, he still checks up on me.

Bought my Panigale and Hyper from Moto Forza up in Escondido. Balz, Kris, Jason, Ben...everyone there is awesome.

That said, going into Fun Bike makes me want to take a shower when I leave...can't even look without 10 people trying to make a sale. And the BMW dealer up in Escondido didn't say a word the wife and I when I was buying a commuter...guess going casual and lacking a fresh shave puts you on the ignore list.

Definitely a mixed bag with motorcycle dealers.
did you know at Lexus, the sales agent doesn't get his bonus without a 5 star review? anything less than a 4 star, he gets a call from corporate.

Although i don't expect the same amenies at a motorcycle dealership versus a luxury auto dealer, but i do prefer a little more than just free coffee. Walk through the electroncis, set up the suspension preload, adjust the hand levers...
I bought my Harley while doing some contract work from Rommel in Annapolis, MD. Very easy experience, great sales person. Three years later, he still checks up on me.

Bought my Panigale and Hyper from Moto Forza up in Escondido. Balz, Kris, Jason, Ben...everyone there is awesome.

That said, going into Fun Bike makes me want to take a shower when I leave...can't even look without 10 people trying to make a sale. And the BMW dealer up in Escondido didn't say a word the wife and I when I was buying a commuter...guess going casual and lacking a fresh shave puts you on the ignore list.

Definitely a mixed bag with motorcycle dealers.

that's why they sell BMW at Costco now. Just saw the S1000RR smack in the middle of front entrance.
?...no shops that I know of in Jacksonville.

This is ridiculous! One of the largest cities in our country and no dealer. We need to start our own. Quick someone loan me a few million so I can start this up!
This is ridiculous! One of the largest cities in our country and no dealer. We need to start our own. Quick someone loan me a few million so I can start this up!

Wait.... getting my checkbook out......but u better wait a bit for the funds to be available!!
Judging by the number of surveys I have received f rom Ducati North America in the last 5 months I would say that their Dealer Operations department is beginning to hold dealers to a higher standard. Ultimately it's up to the manufactures to monitor dealers and bring poor performing dealers into line or replace them. When it's done right the Ducati buying experience can set you down a path that you never leave.
This is ridiculous! One of the largest cities in our country and no dealer. We need to start our own. Quick someone loan me a few million so I can start this up!

You're kidding right"¦.the entire STATE of Louisiana has ONE DEALER in it !"¦.


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