You are conflating several different things, all bundled together because you’ll believe the opposite of whatever the MSM and our glorious leaders say. Trust has been eroded to such an extent that you’ll even believe what comes out of Putin’s mouth… tragic. Not believing any of them doesn’t seem to be an option for some reason.
Russia never negotiate in good faith and certainly not when they feel they are in a position of strength. They’ll negotiate when they feel themselves to be in a weak position but anything agreed can be forgotten once they feel they are in a position of strength again.
The only ‘peace’ they want is a piece of Ukraine (if they can’t get it all). Ideally the bits that are worth plenty of money. Why would he stop when there’s nothing stopping him? He’s not on some noble quest.
They didn’t invade to bring peace. They aren’t saving people from Nazis and fascists, they are not rescuing ‘ethnic Russians’, etc, etc, etc. It’s classic Russian style to accuse others of what is, in fact, what you are doing. Misinformation and manipulation is their stock in trade, and particularly when you’re ex-KGB (can you be ex-KGB)? Remember those ‘little green men’ that were absolutely nothing to do with Russia? Putin’s laughing at the West and how easily people are set against each other and played.
The bottom line is that Putin has invaded another country and brought war back to Europe. Vast numbers of people have lost their lives, many of whom were civilians. Yet you somehow believe Putin wants peace... That’s some grade-A nonsense.
It’s unforgivable and he needs to be put back in his place. Negotiation won’t work - Ukrainians have enough experience with Russia to know this. Unfortunately he’s played Trump rather easily and caused chaos amongst what are supposed to be allies. Now they want Iran to have nukes? Sowing the seeds of more chaos. Good grief… Putin’s very good at what he does, but what he does is not admirable in any way. He must be laughing his little cashmere socks off.