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Stop being a dunce

Russia is not going to give the AFU a reprieve so they can have a lie down, recuperate and re-arm. The Russians have encircled the Kursk kamikazes so why should the winners agree to a ceasefire when their objectives for the war in the first place are not on the table? Bear in mind that there are a whole lot of soldiers of fortune who are now seriously pooping their pants in Kursk- the Ruskies show mercs zero mercy.

This is a moment that the collective morons running the west cant get their head around, they have lost what is effectively WW3, that and the bootlicking support for the most documented and horrific genocide of poor brown people since the last genocide against poor brown people has destroyed any credibility of the rules based order.
Not to say Macron and that British mini-hitler want to put 100k of NATO peacekeeper troops shortly after

Putin needs to be specially retarded to agree on this.
Not to say Macron and that British mini-hitler want to put 100k of NATO peacekeeper troops shortly after

Putin needs to be specially retarded to agree on this.
Putin’s agreement is no more required than Ukraine’s agreement to Russia’s mates being in Ukraine.

Putin has no interest in peace - he wants surrender and territory and all of his demands to be met. I would say that attempts to negotiate with him are simply seen as weakness and to be exploited.
Wow, 1st time I’ve seen you write something accurate and smart here lol

How do you feel about Trump now that he’s illegally gatheriing up and arresting lawful permanent residents who protest Zionism, protestors that are usually Semites on the grounds that they are anti semite 😂😂😂
Trump does good things, he does stupid things, and he does bad/bigoted things. pick one
Russia has no interest in peace
Russia wants to conquered Europe
Russia will re-group and attack Poland next

its such a horse shiet nonsense

Its basically false narrative pushed into media space, hoping the more people repeat it, the more truthful it will become
Have you ever noticed that Russia, after the dissolution of the USSR, has never attacked anyone without being provoked first? Except for the breakaway portions of Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, (which are actually ethnic Russian areas oppressed by the Western influenced Georgian Gov.), Russia has not impinged on anyone else's territory without EXTREME provocation. This entire Ukraine debacle started back in the 90's, and festered and brewed up for 25 years until Putin finally stepped in with real military force to slaughter the pro-Fascist/Nazi WW2 holdovers who were still clinging onto power. Putin is eradicating them one body at a time. This is a War of attrition of the Fascist movement in Ukraine, and a cleansing of the corruption and Western Imperialism that has dominated the country since the 90's. If you end it too early, it will just all fester and regrow until you have to do it again 20 years from now.

Putin is just cleaning house, no matter how long it takes. Give it another million or so dead Ukrainian men to come to it's final conclusion. Only when Ukraine is on it's knees, Russia holds all territory East of the Dnieper, and Ukraine has signed a treaty of neutrality/non EU membership, and Non NATO membership will this come to an end. Instead of cursing Putin, curse the lame brained power hungry and war mongering Neocons and EU Elites that forced this situation into being. THEY fed this monster for 25 years. Now Russia is slaying the Dragon.

We will all be better off when Ukraine is brought to it's knees and EU/Western influence is brought to heel in that area.

FWIW, Poland would be REALLY stupid to attack Russia. The Russkies are already prepared for that silliness. They've killed several thousand Polish 'mercenaries' in Ukraine. What's another 100,000 or so to them?
Russia has no interest in peace
Russia wants to conquered Europe
Russia will re-group and attack Poland next

its such a horse shiet nonsense

Its basically false narrative pushed into media space, hoping the more people repeat it, the more truthful it will become
You are conflating several different things, all bundled together because you’ll believe the opposite of whatever the MSM and our glorious leaders say. Trust has been eroded to such an extent that you’ll even believe what comes out of Putin’s mouth… tragic. Not believing any of them doesn’t seem to be an option for some reason.

Russia never negotiate in good faith and certainly not when they feel they are in a position of strength. They’ll negotiate when they feel themselves to be in a weak position but anything agreed can be forgotten once they feel they are in a position of strength again.

The only ‘peace’ they want is a piece of Ukraine (if they can’t get it all). Ideally the bits that are worth plenty of money. Why would he stop when there’s nothing stopping him? He’s not on some noble quest.

They didn’t invade to bring peace. They aren’t saving people from Nazis and fascists, they are not rescuing ‘ethnic Russians’, etc, etc, etc. It’s classic Russian style to accuse others of what is, in fact, what you are doing. Misinformation and manipulation is their stock in trade, and particularly when you’re ex-KGB (can you be ex-KGB)? Remember those ‘little green men’ that were absolutely nothing to do with Russia? Putin’s laughing at the West and how easily people are set against each other and played.

The bottom line is that Putin has invaded another country and brought war back to Europe. Vast numbers of people have lost their lives, many of whom were civilians. Yet you somehow believe Putin wants peace... That’s some grade-A nonsense.

It’s unforgivable and he needs to be put back in his place. Negotiation won’t work - Ukrainians have enough experience with Russia to know this. Unfortunately he’s played Trump rather easily and caused chaos amongst what are supposed to be allies. Now they want Iran to have nukes? Sowing the seeds of more chaos. Good grief… Putin’s very good at what he does, but what he does is not admirable in any way. He must be laughing his little cashmere socks off.
You are conflating several different things, all bundled together because you’ll believe the opposite of whatever the MSM and our glorious leaders say. Trust has been eroded to such an extent that you’ll even believe what comes out of Putin’s mouth… tragic. Not believing any of them doesn’t seem to be an option for some reason.

Russia never negotiate in good faith and certainly not when they feel they are in a position of strength. They’ll negotiate when they feel themselves to be in a weak position but anything agreed can be forgotten once they feel they are in a position of strength again.

The only ‘peace’ they want is a piece of Ukraine (if they can’t get it all). Ideally the bits that are worth plenty of money. Why would he stop when there’s nothing stopping him? He’s not on some noble quest.

They didn’t invade to bring peace. They aren’t saving people from Nazis and fascists, they are not rescuing ‘ethnic Russians’, etc, etc, etc. It’s classic Russian style to accuse others of what is, in fact, what you are doing. Misinformation and manipulation is their stock in trade, and particularly when you’re ex-KGB (can you be ex-KGB)? Remember those ‘little green men’ that were absolutely nothing to do with Russia? Putin’s laughing at the West and how easily people are set against each other and played.

The bottom line is that Putin has invaded another country and brought war back to Europe. Vast numbers of people have lost their lives, many of whom were civilians. Yet you somehow believe Putin wants peace... That’s some grade-A nonsense.

It’s unforgivable and he needs to be put back in his place. Negotiation won’t work - Ukrainians have enough experience with Russia to know this. Unfortunately he’s played Trump rather easily and caused chaos amongst what are supposed to be allies. Now they want Iran to have nukes? Sowing the seeds of more chaos. Good grief… Putin’s very good at what he does, but what he does is not admirable in any way. He must be laughing his little cashmere socks off.
Feel free to go over there and punch him in the nose and 'put him in his place'. Right now he is doing just THAT to the Western Neocons and Imperialists. Doesn't seem anyone has the gonads or ability to tell him no. So, feel free....if you can. Otherwise your just bloviating and throwing out 'what if's' instead of fixing the REAL problem. . which is Western Imperialism.

BTW the British HATE the Russians. You can thrown the blame for this entire debacle at their door step. they can't take the Russians on, so they try to get everyone else to do the heavy lifting for His Majesty's sake.

Bloody English Lords and ladies brought you WW1 and WW2... Haven't you learned yet???
It break’s my heart knowing that over half of my fellow citizens voted to end the America so many of our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for. Half of my brain understands how we got here, and the other half just can’t understand how even my own brother and sister can’t see what Trump is doing. It’s small comfort that Biden put competent people in charge of his administration. That should be the bare minimum standard for any President.
I’m truly sorry, but neglecting the existential threat of Trump is unforgivable.
Shortly after writing this, on 3/14/25 Trump gave his grievance filled speech at the Justice Department. I only wish Merrick Garland and Joe Biden had been forced to sit there on the front row and face the humiliation their ineptitude has inflicted upon the American people. Trump’s rambling fire hose of lies has to be the most historic demolition of the rule of law since Hitler came to power. Thanks to these to bumbling idiots, I doubt if America and the world will ever recover from Trump’s Presidency.
I’m certainly no political scholar, but even I saw this coming. I wrote both Biden and Garland within weeks of their taking office. I know they don’t give a damn what I think, but even I could see how this would turn out if they didn’t immediately begin Trump’s speedy prosecution. If I, Mr Magoo, could see this coming, surely others with actual influence also saw it and warned these two bumbling fools.
Of course they protected themselves with pardons, but everyone else has been stabbed in the back and thrown to the wolves.
The Democratic Party is not capable of defending American values against this MAGA assault. Adam Schiff may be the only Democrat in that pack of cowards who is capable of recognizing the real threat. This is the reason Trump spends so much time bad mouthing him. Trump’s speech at the DOJ literally broke the alarm bell.
These are dark days indeed. We are witnessing the decline of America.
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BTW the British HATE the Russians. You can thrown the blame for this entire debacle at their door step. they can't take the Russians on, so they try to get everyone else to do the heavy lifting for His Majesty's sake.
The entire population of one nation hates the entire population of another nation… Idiotic. And how exactly has it got anything to do with the King? Just when I think you can’t say anything dumber, you knock it out of the park.
Bloody English Lords and ladies brought you WW1 and WW2... Haven't you learned yet???
I’ll have to check but I have a feeling WW1 started with Austria against Russia and Serbia, then Germany and eventually Great Britain joined in, and I’m pretty sure the Germans started the second one. How exactly did the English cause both world wars? You’re just parroting Lavrov’s nonsense.

And now it’s the British that, not satisfied with apparently starting two World Wars, are to blame for the invasion of Ukraine?

It seems everyone is to blame except for the country who actually invaded. What a world we live in.

You certainly do like spouting Russian propaganda as if it were fact. Are you a US citizen? By birth? You don’t seem to like ‘the West’ very much.

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