and seriously - whats wrong with that ? If you aren't growing, your losing market share. . its as simple as that.
I could write you a book about what's wrong with that.
I'll try to break it down into small pieces for you to digest.
But clearly you've never been on the receiving end of the final outcome where your dealer support disappears overnight.
Firstly, in life sometimes it doesn't pay to ask for more.
That equally applies to you and I, as well as large multinational corporations.
If you squeeze too hard they can slip through your fingers.
Remember a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush.
Any of that ring any bells for you.
Or do you dogmatically subscribe to the economic philosophy of ever increasing expansion and ever increasing percentages as being the only way forward.
Try living on an island mate, and see how far your hot shot ways will get you.
You've got to understand that there are limits to everything.
When you get old enough, and have enough life experience you'll come to fully understand that as a fact of life.
For example lets say you're DUCATI.
And you had a provincial dealer that was punching well above his weight in terms of sales. He actually often makes it into the top three positions in the country in terms of sales, and has made it to the very top on a couple of occasions to become the dealer of the year. (An outstanding feat in itself)
His customer satisfaction rating is very high, and often has to take on warranty work as a carry over from other dealers in the region, because their techs have screwed up and the customers (out of desperation) have to travel to get the job done by a dealer who's reputed to be honest and reliable.
(Note this type of work is nowhere near as profitable as normal w/shop servicing when performing small tasks, and is compounded by large jobs.
In fact, if a dealer had to rely upon warranty work alone through the w/shop, with the pittance DUCATI and all the others pays for the hourly rate, the dealer would go under.)
This dealer often sells bikes around the state, and even interstate.
The dealer also supports the motor cycling community in many and various ways that other dealers in the region don't, can't or won't do because of his passion and commitment to motorcycling and the industry.
Lets say the economy took a downturn, but was slow to recover to normal levels for the basic consumer goods.
But for luxury goods it's still in the doldrums due to a lack of positive consumer sentiment.
This is compounded by the fact that a motorcycle is not regarded as a basic form of transport like a car is.
A car is a necessity for all families. Unlike a motorcycle which is a discretionary/emotional purchase, let alone with the brand being regarded as a luxury brand like DUCATI, which is $.
And the normal unemployment rate for the region was naturally higher than the national base line level. Let alone in a depressed economy.
And the average wage for the area is lower than the national average, despite a higher proportion of supposedly wealthy(at least on paper) people in the local area.
And property values are seriously depressed which affects the "supposedly wealthy people" more than the average wage/salary earner.
And due to the areas' naturally low levels of passing trade to capture.
The dealer has done all he can to increase his market share/customer base through the internet, and strategic application of radio advertising(unlike any other dealers in the state).
So now you're DUCATI, and you look at the sales figures for this dealer and start to put pressure on the national distributor from some office in Italy to boost sales because your globalised based sales KPI's are not being met to the satisfaction of your new parent company in Germany.
Then some native hot shot like yourself with a university degree in economics, who has never been to the dealer and set foot in the door, or barely spoken with the man over the phone to introduce yourself when you started a couple of months ago, let alone to ask "what can we do to help".
Determines that the sales figures aren't high enough at this dealership, in comparison with the areas that naturally have more passing trade. (but you wouldn't know about that because you've never even set foot in the door at this historically high performing dealer in the couple of months you've been working at the new job).
Eager to make your mark on the world and climb up the greasy pole.
Your having meeting after meeting with all and sundry and you're all dressed for success, and driving around in your leased prestige car that you wouldn't normally put your hand in your own pocket to purchase in your own right.
Just so you can good-sort yourself and put yourself forward in the hope of getting a boost up over everybody else whilst climbing the greasy pole.
You and your mates are all shuffling pieces of paper around at the meetings, and reading your reports(which have no bearing on reality) are presented.
Other reports are also complied by other people(like yourself) who have never had to do the hard yards and run a dealership efficiently. With all that entails.
Let alone have a passion for the past time or own a bike yourself.
And so the consensus at the meeting among the salaried shiney ....., is that the dealer is "not performing".
What are we going to do about this dealer?
Ah ha we have to put pressure on him. And all are in agreement.
So the importer starts to look upon the dealer in not such a favourable light, and by extension all dealings with the dealer are through the perspective of a set of numbers printed out off a computer screen.
This pressure comes in many different forms.
One form is to push the dealer to upgrade his workshop facility to reflect the modern swish/exclusive image with logos and flash colours on the walls and viewing windows so people can see their bike being worked on by the techs while dressed in their new corporate uniform.
It's all that DUCATI want to portray.
Fair enough I suppose.
Then then the dealer asks what and how do you want it to look like?
Do you have a format?
Can you consult and help us to pull it together the way you would like it to be?
.... me, the importer says to himself.
That wasn't in the reports on the sales figures
And it never came up in the meetings when we decided to exert some pressure on this dealer
So ultimately the response from the importer is silence.
In effect there's no support and the dealer muddles through right or wrong, and soldiers on regardless as before.
Then all you shiny ..... get together again and have another meeting as before, with the consensus being to keep putting pressure on this dealer because the KPI's still indicate he's underperforming.
And economic rationalism dictates that he continually increase the percentages of his turnover. Or he's a looser and should be cast aside like a ...... w/shop rag.
So the area manager starts to put pressure on some more.
This time he starts going on about upgrading the display format in the showroom to the new corporate style of displays/racks etc, etc.
So the dealer asks what is it?
How soon can you supply?
Can you advise accordingly?
Lets do it.
Lo and behold. At the next shiney ass meeting at the importers HQ, nobody verbalises it.
.... me. That's another thing that wasn't in the sales figures reports.
But we've had a decree from on high that it shall be so.
What do we tell this dealer?
He's asking for support, and information and guidance
So weeks go by.
And still there's silence from the importer.
So the dealer asks the questions again.
Still silence from the importer, or maybe there's a bit of mumbling and feet shuffling, but nothing concrete to go forward with.
Except maybe something to the effect of "leave it with me and i'll get back to you". They've got to say something that's a cut above the previous silence, right?
After a number of weeks the dealer asks the same questions again.
Still silence from the importers.
Now the dealer is starting to become a problem, simply because he's asking questions that can't be answered by the shiney ......
That's another black mark against the dealer
But never the less, the dealer carries on regardless and under pressure to conform, and get them off his back otherwise he may loose his franchise.
And he takes the initiative by making preparations for the changes by reconfiguring his display areas in preparation for the new corporate display format.
But he can't finish it because the importer can't commit to supplying the shelving etc, etc.
Now the dealer has an area in his showroom where has to tart up the best he can with the old display stuff to cover his partly finished mods to the showroom the best he can, in order to hide the alterations he's made in preparation for the new corporate .....
All of which may or may not improve sales let alone profitability.
And he's out of pocket for the lot so far.
Just wait until the new corporate .... turns up.
Then he'll have to pay for that as well, because it goes onto his account.
And still no increased sales figures, because the economy isn't doing all that well.
That's the reality of your economic growth "theories" mate
I put it to you.
An ounce of practice, is worth a ton of theory.
It's all very well and good to be standing in the middle, and pointing around the place and telling everybody how it's got to be.
All talk and no action.
It's another to be able to lead by example.
The problem is you don't see the shiney ..... roll their sleeves up and be leaders.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
What if the dealer ultimately gets squeezed out of existence by the clenched corporate fist, and he shuts up shop.
The result is the importers have killed the goose that laid the golden egg.
Then the importer has no one to step in and fill those shoes in terms of good will/customer relations, high sales figures, warranty work and support for the customer base, that the dealer has worked hard to build up over a number of years, and in ways that aren't given due acknowledgement in economic theories.