Lol he has winning team working around him? Can you elaborate on that, also please tell us where this guy came from because he is not even from michigan and please tell us how come there is a law suit again Ducati from somebody else that Ducati ofert a franchise and after he did all the homework rich boy who washed bike on his family HD dealer. Oh let me guess it sound like I said before is a ....... corporate store Owen by a rich person who is not going to give to .... about the customer. Go and check salt lake Ducati it the same .... the store was loosing a lot customer and money but guess what? The owner is so rich that they are allow to loose like a million dollar a year and still they fine.
But you know I don't care I'm still going to take my bike to TT where nobody is trying to sell me .... and I can just drink some good coffe talking to bob.let see how long can you sell only Ducati. It funny the all you know about this guy is that he is a fantastic guy and because of that he deserved to take the Ducati name from TT. How come Ducati didn't ask for exclusive when the market crash 2007? You know what they did ? There were holding the desmo until June of 2007 and the dealer were returning people deposit because they didn't get the bike on time, by July the truck show up with double their order. Why? Because Ducati want to get it out so the dealer has to pay for a bike they did not order But the market crash and people don't have money to buy a $70k bike. That is Ducati 101 for you
You have a LOT of hearsay and sound very disgruntle. What you are saying is so far from the truth and I can attest that what you say about the franchise situation and someone else is not as you say.
All I am going to say is that there is a metric .... ton of false and inaccurate info floating around. I am going to bow out as this is a great example of minimal info and blowing it up on pure opinion...
I know facts. All of them. I can promise you that I am not at all using an ounce of hearsay nor opinion. What happened is between TT and Ducati. If someone wants to discuss details, they are more than welcome to pull me aside. This isn't the place and I am not about to go down that road.
What I will say is that there needs to be a lot more professionalism towards Ducati Detroit. The BS comment you made about the parts girl and such is slander. She is a great girl and does an excellent job. It is rude and about the most spineless thing I have ever heard. If you are an employee or friend of TT, that's cool. But remember one thing... Slandering a competitor and doing it with false info and opinion makes you look terribly silly.