Sorry for the tardy reply, i tuned out. I wrote the short review below but didn't post here it is!
So I thought that given the amount of stick the Pani got when tested against the S1000RR I'd post a quick snapshot for anyone considering the choice between the HP4 and Panigale. If you've test ridden an S1kRR this will probably sound familiar.
First the caveats:
1. I'm half Italian
2. I've always ridden Italian sports bikes (albeit classics)
3. The HP4 is still being run-in
Compared to the Pani:
Riding position: You sit more 'in' the bike than 'on'. The tank wide so easier to grip.
Seat: comfortable, not slippy, can't see myself changing it.
Screen & Instruments: Actually like the dial better for revs but Pani digital display much easier to read. Mode change easier than Pani with one clear switch. Love the shift light (will love it more if its programmable)
Sound: under hard acceleration the bike sounds great but like any IL4 but the Pani sounds unique, the BM can't match the emotive sound/vibe of a high revving twin. The 'pop' on up shift can't be beat! The BM sounds a bit monotonous, droning, when cruising. [NB. I've since tuned my ear to the sound and actually its a sweet sound (no db killers), and once its de-restricted I suspect I'll enjoy it even more]
Gear shift: quick shift is better than Pani at low speed but the Pani seems better at high speed but there not much in it. The downshift feels clunky but I'm still working on my blipping! [after 1000km I'm much happier with the gearbox and the downshifting which isn't clunky - was my incompetence]
Engine: Spins up like a jet engine, torque seems good, very tractable. The speed you have to get through the gears in is unbelievable. Engine sounds like its running a gear too low. Feels a little tight but when the rev limit is lifted I'm sure it will be insane. Will judge once I can access 9k+
Fit & finish: the finish on the BM is mostly good but the black plastic looks cheap so be prepared for another $2k of carbon fibre to sort it out. Paintwork is great, very vivid blue.
Handling: the bike tips in more slowly than the Pani but feels like its on rails - its more forgiving. Haven't really tested it well at very high speed but on fast country roads nothing fazed it, much more stable on straight or bends. The DDC (dynamic damping control) lives up to the hype. I have spent a lot of time setting up the Pani and I don't think there's a lot in it at high speed straight line but love the smooth turn in - wish I could replicate on the Pani.
Overall: This bike is a great package, and its handling is exceptional, the speed and acceleration is spectacular and it looks good. It maybe doesn't feel as special as the Pani but I suspect I haven't scratched the surface of the BM whereas I have 15k on the Pani but if I was faced with a choice I would still choose the Panigale. Luckily I didn't have to choose

can't wait to take it to the track.