There's a BIG difference between being a JEW .. .and being a SEMITE. 85% of Jews do not have Semitic heritage, and the 'Holy Land' was given to ALL of Abraham's progeny, not just the descendants of Isaac. All Arabs and people of the Middle East have Semitic origins. . EXCEPT the European Jews who have transplanted themselves to Palestine. Which is why, in Israel, no one is allowed to have a DNA test. It's a criminal offense and the Law was instituted after the University of Tel Aviv did a broad sample DNA analysis of both Israeli's and Palestinians, and found that most Palestinians are at least 75% Semitic origin, while less than 15% of Israelis had more than 50% Semitic origins. The rest were all Ashkenazis or other European extractions, not descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Example: Benjamin Netanyahu was a Polish Jew, named Benzion Mileikowsky, who was born in Warsaw and later emigrated to Palestine and changed his name. He has literally zero Semitic DNA in his blood.
Zionism is nothing more than a Fascist Nationalism repackaged to call Jews a 'Nation', instead of a Religion, and to impose genocide on helpless people to steal their land and legitimize the Zionist secular ideology. Zionism is not Judaism, nor is it Jewish in it's history. Many Zionists are actually Christians, Communists, Socialists, and Atheists. Until you admit that truth, you are nothing more than a Zio-Fascist extension of the ADL and well as the US Government.