I'm seeing, that perhaps,
- spilling an espresso into the engine you're making is not the end of the world
- Some motorcycle pilots need adult supervision online
- Ducati production photos
- I need to go take the factory tour and take samples.
I was under the impression that most people buy Ducati because they are hand made. I love that fact. Ferrari are hand made. That's why they are what they are. It's a gorgeous work of artisanal mastery with all the flaws there is also the artistry. They're not the maximum of what they could be imagined, but
@KarlKani is sorting that out. This is not the bike to buy if you want it to last 100,000 miles with no flaws. This is the bike you buy because you want to go balls-out with the most extravagant thing you can afford. They could make it in a clean-room and you could add a zero to the price. They could make it in Japan...
CBR1000RR-R Fireblade BASE MSRP $28,500
Honda sold around 19.3 million motorcycles worldwide in the 2020 fiscal
So, no where near as special rare or artistic, even more expensive. But the first oil change is super clean. ok cool.
This is an anecdote, but there's something to this.
When I was on an electric motor project for flying vehicles, we had to push every limit to get to the lightest strongest motor in existence and we did it. However, the only way was hand-made. All machine wound motors were almost 20% less powerful. We could not figure out why and we really wanted to because making stuff by hand is a pain in the ass.
What is that about... Machine learning from observation, analytics, & optimization is hard (depending on the subject) with complex machinery. With artisans it's intuitive. With really talented people you can't turn it off. Does MotoGP really have nothing to do with production? I mean, yes and no. The learning goes back and forth between them.
IMO the human element is definately a good and a bad. If a dude in a mad mood puts that in your bike it sucks, but if someone is there cranking problem solving, optimizing every part with maximum attention, I'll take it.