Just wow at how it was all handled

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+1 lance

all truth right there lance: fukn filthy PIGZ outta kontrol.;.;.. and NOLA is either one of 'em or guzzles lotta their pig juice...note the way he joked about planting fake "evidence" on me in his earlier post ¿ ¿ ¿ -- he's def a PIG mentality..

& think about this: our prison/military-industrial complex nation 'Merikkka currently has the most humans incarcerated in the world and also the most humans incarcerated IN THE HISTORY OF THE PLANET....prison planet u dont say ¿ ¿ ¿

think about how prisons are turning increasingly privatized and the deals these prison corps cut with the cities; e.g. 95% occupancy rate : NICE QUOTA THERE, huh?
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To be so anti law enforcement is kind of ignorant. Failure to see another point of view as a possibility (since none of us witnessed any of this) is being closeminded.

Race card is being proselytized, in this cop hatred thread.

In 2013, by age 18, 30% of black males, 26% of Hispanic males, and 22% of white males have been arrested.

By age 23, 49% of black males, 44% of Hispanic males, and 38% of white males have been arrested.[63]
Race card is being proselytized, in this cop hatred thread.

In 2013, by age 18, 30% of black males, 26% of Hispanic males, and 22% of white males have been arrested.

By age 23, 49% of black males, 44% of Hispanic males, and 38% of white males have been arrested.[63]

forget race for now & just look at the FACTS. PIGZ r just the extension of this untenable ponzi scheme to hold the debt-addled nation together....look to The Federal Reserve as u follow the money....and the vampire squid that owns it....

but to learn u must have an open mind instead of an open mouf guzzling pig juice...

& if u want another schooling in this here forum on stats and facts then first i suggest u ask Jello how his mangina still hurts from that last round or best u just do ur own homework...

oh and of those above cited arrests, well over 60% are bogus/trumped up/bs by pigz "juz doing their jobz"...

to wit:

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Vast you are the fukin pig - like all your posts, u manipulate the facts to support your fuked up views - i hope u get mugged some day, and a policeman gets to just laugh and video tape it, so someone like you can post it.

do u know what a PIG is ¿ ¿ ¿ i am anti-pig and i wish u all the best piglover...

17 shotz -- pig musta thought it was a dirty harry sandwich..;.;.
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do u know what a PIG is ¿ ¿ ¿ i am anti-pig and i wish u all the best piglover...

17 shotz -- pig musta thought it was a dirty harry sandwich..;.;.

Protests erupt in St. Louis after cop kills black teen

"Dotson said a 9mm Ruger handgun, allegedly belonging to the suspect, was recovered at the scene and a forensics search located three projectiles that had been fired at the officer."
I'm ignoring everything in this thread except post #1...

That said I'm truly saddened to read that article. I never knew anyone involved but it brings a certain chill to the spine when you see someone from your very own neighborhood get taken out like this. Never mind the what happened afterward. The real victim here never had a chance to care what happened to his friends after the crash.

"Dotson said a 9mm Ruger handgun, allegedly belonging to the suspect, was recovered at the scene and a forensics search located three projectiles that had been fired at the officer."

Another thug rightfully taken off the streets.

Just like the last criminal in Ferguson who thought he was as tough guy.
VAST, I am realizing now you are part of the tin foil hat crowd. There is no helping people like you. You are perpetual victims, no matter how something happens to you, or someone else"¦The MAN is out to get you and can do nothing right in your eyes.

I am actually kinda surprised you haven't quoted Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! yet.

But alas, now I am putting you on the ignore list. You present nothing meaningful to the conversation, and are only using this forum as a vehicle for your nuttiness.

VAST, I am realizing now you are part of the tin foil hat crowd. There is no helping people like you. You are perpetual victims, no matter how something happens to you, or someone else…The MAN is out to get you and can do nothing right in your eyes.

I am actually kinda surprised you haven't quoted Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! yet.

But alas, now I am putting you on the ignore list. You present nothing meaningful to the conversation, and are only using this forum as a vehicle for your nuttiness.


NOLA again nice try but again you fail: TIN FOIL RIGHT HERE: another week and another PIG BRUTALITY FIASCO:

The NYPD's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week | VICE United States

i present nothing meaningful to a close-minded RUBE....

and NOLA please try and argue any of my actual facts; eg the prison population in USA is largest in world and in history of world: keep guzzling that pig juice in your perpetual status quo delusion...
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