Don and JDJ thank you both as I really appreciate any input and guidance...I am kinda freaking out. I just got the bike unfortunately and am coming from long time Japan bikes (Suzuki and Kawasaki) so this is my first experience with Ducati. It's a 2012 1199-panigale with 16,000. I ran the VIN so it's clear and I'm the 3rd owner. I researched before I bought it and thought everything was good, the seller even should me he had all the Desmo 15k maintenance done and the bike runs good but I can't tell you how frequently it was serviced. For coolant it's got engine ice that is blue and it's clean. After my first ride I noticed coolant gathering in that area in the rear right under the rear exhasut port (exact same spot as the 1st pic in this thread). I was originally thinking head gasket but clean the area and tested it and you can see it gathering right at the casing seam and the head gasket is still dry. I've got a video of it and could email it to someone if helpful. I also noticed there is what looks like a small crack line in the casing in right by the seam but it looks like the coolant is coming from the seam. Hope this helps and let me know if I can any other helpful info or if you have advice on what to do next?