Do yourself a favor.. If at all possible go ride it first.. Pay close attention to it's low speed throttle response.. and the heat it puts out Personally the heat is not that big a problem to me (except when stuck in traffic and it starts melting my boot soles..LOL I expected that but the other throttle issues/ stuff drives me crazy..
Should have listened to you speedy and test ridden before I purchased (well I would have bought it anyways and I got it used so I can always swap it out if I get tired of it..) but the low speed throttle response on this bike is terrible. The 959 wasn't this bad. It's like the motor doesn't want to run under 4-5k which is fine in most cases since you can just keep the rpm up but doing low speed parking lot stuff has proven difficult.. I'm sure it will get better with more practice.
My father who has only ridden performance twins (no Harley's..) since his '75 Norton and currently rides an aprilia with the twin rotax motor was even a little confused. In comparison I think the Ducati is smoother over 5k than his aprilia but there is no contest below that.
The heat from the cylinder head and exhaust is not bothering me at all. It's been 75-80 degrees here and I only use the motorcycle for pleasure in full leathers so with lane jamming there are few instances where I am stopped or going below 70 or so