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Mar 12, 2013
Nor Cal
This forum has become a daily read and will share my Panigale experience. In early March I visited the nearby Ducati dealer after being told that the owner had on display a 1975 750 SS that he'd picked up at the Vegas auction for over $100,000.00. After checking out the restored (better than new) bike started looking around the Dealership and was drawn to the Panigale S demo. It somehow reminded me of the Britten (I'm a New Zealander) with the monocoque layout. Tires showed track evidence and I was almost convinced to take a test ride by the friendly Salesman.
I own a few older bikes and only use them for commuting occasionally on the fun roads we have just North of San Francisco. I'm old (approaching 60) and ride mountain and road bicycles often. To cap it off I had spine surgery scheduled for the end of April and hoped my back could hold up at least through the ski season.
Drove home from the Dealership thinking not about the Bevelhead but about the Panigale. Hit the computer that night to learn more about the bike only to find you guys (enablers) and knew I was in trouble. Got a kick out of a video posted by a NZer using a GoPro riding over the same hills that friends and I rode Sunday mornings on Norton Commandos in the early 70's.Phoned up the friendly Salesman and scheduled a test ride - I was screwed (in a good way). Rode all my familiar roads and was blown away. Having several bikes it always takes me a block or two to familiarize myself to a different bike that I may not have ridden for a few months. Not with the Panigale - everything was in the right place and it is so user friendly to ride. It sounded as though it had an aftermarket exhaust (sounded beautiful) but was amazed to be told it was stock and the power over 7500 revs was phenomenal. The lower end was lumpy (had not had a remap) but was by no means hesitant - similar to a lumpy cam on a muscle car. Engine temp was warm in traffic on the lower extremities but not unbearable.
I was sold but wasn't able to get a straight number from the Salesman and needed to line up my ducks however did want to take advantage of Ducati picking up my first three payments (a financial no brainer if a 2012 was acceptable- it was).
Explained to my understanding wife (who still refers to it as a Panitone) and decided that if it was meant to happen it would. Put my MV F4 on Craigslist and it sold immediately to a cool Italian named Roberto. Phoned the San Francisco dealer who has been super helpful to me in the past and in one phone call it was set - I was to pick up a 2012
Base the next Friday at 5.30pm. I was going to take the truck in and load it as I figured it was not the smartest to do my first miles in Friday commute Traffic. I live approx. 25 miles north of San Francisco across the world-renowned Golden Gate Bridge. In the spirit of Antihero elected to ride the bike home and had a fun ride being escorted onto the Bridge with three guys on R1s one of whom insisted on popping wheelies and giving a thumbs up simultaneously. Grinned all the way home only to get a call the next day that my surgery could be moved up to early April. Now sitting around after successful surgery (relatively minor roto rooter L4) and itching to get back on it in a week or two hopefully. Sorry if this so long winded (I am a luddite and have yet to purchase my first Cell Phone) but if I can enable one person to take the leap and get that Panigale my job is done.


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Welcome kiwipani to the family of Ducati owners. I know you will enjoy your baby to the fullest as I do mine. This is my 4th Ducati, the only thing I wish I didn't do was sell my 996 which was my baby but oh well. This is a nice ride and I love it compared to my MV I had which I traded in for this one. NOw I just plan on adding things to her slowly and then post the pictures. But once again, welcome to the family bro.
Wonderful story, I bet you can't wait to get "back" on it! :D This forum is a wealth of knowledge, with a little drama thrown in. Enjoy both!
Thanks guys- hope to be back on the bike in a week. You have been my main source of entertainment whilst healing.

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