Ok...so you get pulled over...

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You guys meet the nicest cops...I did have one wave me over last week to look at the bike, told me it was the best looking thing he'd ever seen
Most police are awesome to me . usually they just end up talking about how fast the car or mc I'm driving is. and let me go .

about four years ago I did get cuffed and stuffed in the back of a police car for driving 59 in a 45. the bike was extremely loud ducati . and the police officer was having a really bad day the cop was fixated on how expensive the bike was.
I knew the cop but he didn't remember me . eventually the ticket got tore up and I kept my cool the whole time.

keep your cool bite your tongue and put yourself in the cops shoes

they deal with ........ every day - their bosses , the rich pricks in bmw's , liberal idiots who hate police , child molesters, drug addicts, drunks, wannabe lawyers, and the al sharptons of the world.
I probably hold a record for percent of warnings received. I'd guess that in my lifetime I've only gotten a ticket less than half the times I've been pulled over.

There are a few keys. First, were you speeding in an area where you were little or no threat to other traffics? Were you driving erratically or in any way being a dick? Your general behavior may have pissed the cop of before he even got out of his car.

But once you are engaged it's all about respect and honesty. I've only run into 3-4 cops who I thought were pricks. Most have been nice, reasonable guys. If they are, you don't want to turn them mean. And if they are dicks you are not likely to turn them around.

And like they say about sales, you only have one chance to make a first impression.
Has anyone ever received a warning from a motorcycle cop?

Yep and he even gave me cornering tips. It was when I first started riding. Since i pulled over a t a grocery store lot he showed how to turn in a parking space. Coolest dude.
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Okay, what I should have stated to avert you guys jumping all over me and the issue - was "that there are many folks who will use their relationship with a fellow Officer as a possible line or excuse (i.e. "name dropping" to perhaps get themselves out of a possible ticket" And don't think for one second that this doesnt happen.

Does it mean you are admitting guilt?
Does it infer that said Officer will be your way to get out of a ticket?

Thats only for YOU guys to decide, and is a matter of opinion.

Is there anyone else who replied here a former or current LEO?
If so then feel free to explain your experience with this topic and matter.

All I did was tell you guys what MY experience from 8 years "on the job" was like when it came to having to pull people over for anything traffic related. Also, whenever I had stopped a motorcyclist I did not want them to do ANYTHING AT ALL except shut off the damn engine. NOT remove your helmet, not drop keys anywhere, NOT say anything until asked and after producing all required paperwork. EVERY LEO has their "pet peeve" when it comes to motor vehicle violations EVERY DAMN ONE OF THEM. They ALL have their own gauge of what speed OVER the posted speed limit is permissible within their own personal discretion, and what speed they consider to be TOO FAST over it- thus resulting in them pulling out from wherever they are parked to take the time to catch up to you and activate their motor vehicle stop procedure. Do you all know what their "aisle of safety" is too? Or why or when they choose approach you on the driver or passenger side? Or what the responsibilities are for the "Contact Officer vs Cover Officer?" If so, then Im sure you know what TO DO and what NOT TO.

It seems that EVERY one of you have your own way of reacting when stopped. So if these things work for you - go ahead and continue to do so until you end up meeting the one Officer who doesn't appreciate the actions you take, or isn't impressed or understands why you did something unusual.

Bottom line is we will ALL end up being stopped at some point in our lives whether within a car or on your bike. What I did was give you a point of view from the OTHER SIDE OF THE DRIVER SEAT. If you don't agree with anything Ive said- thats absolutely fine as I take no offense, but please don't flame me for the words I wrote, or read into them as "How To" get out of a ticket here-since they were NOT intended to be construed that way whatsoever.

And for the record - I am FAR from a hypocrite when I DO ride my own bike! I don't know anyone who rides a Superbike within the posted speed limits regardless if its a country backroad or highway (or freeway depending on your location within the US-or OCONUS) So take what you wish from my posted info and do whatever it is you do.

And to end on another story for you all:
I worked a District on a very busy stretch of road where on weekends EVERYONE came to show off old model cars, congregated at various businesses along the 5 mile stretch, and of course had TONS of people who chose to do WICKED burnouts and smoke shows on both cars and bikes. It was utter chaos and rocket heaven for any Officer who wanted to go nuts writing everything they saw!

As I exited a 7-11 with my Buy One Get one Free Gatorade in uniform and was walking toward the cruiser. I passed a bunch of parked sport bike guys engaging them in brief conversation about how nice looking some of their bikes were. At the same time, two bikes out on the roadway stood themselves straight up in simultaneous stand up wheelies passing me standing there holding my Gatorade. The group of bikers screamed at me "Hey aren't you gonna go get those guys for that??!" since they couldnt believe I stood there watching these two guys up on their pegs vertical.

I turned to them laughing and simply said "Hell no! Not only were those two awesome wheelies but one of them was a Ducati 996 too!" I pulled out of the lot leaving them totally speechless and in shock over what I just said! ------So flame away folks! :)
I can tell you what NOT to say....

Back in the mid 80's, just a couple of weeks before leaving for Parris Island...I'm pulling out of my small town, heading for home. Right as I reach the city limits, I launch into a huge wheelie. Rode it out through 1st and 2nd.

I didn't see the Ohio Highway patrol officer parked off the county road eating his lunch.
I see the lights flashing and pull over immediately. Cop gets out of his car so pissed off he knocks his cover off. I had taken my gloves and helmet off and he comes rushing up.
Me being a 17 year old smartass says....

"Excuse me officer, what seems to be the problem?"

LOL....I got yelled at for a good 5 minutes.

He wrote me for everything. The best part was I had to go in front of the juvenile judge since I was 17. Once the judge heard that I was leaving for the Marine Corps in a couple of days, he just told me not to ride until I got back from boot camp. Yea, I can do that!

Heck here in Florida I cruise into work at 80mph or so. People pass me like I have an anchor tied to my ass...
Has anyone ever received a warning from a motorcycle cop?

Yes, in the car though. I started asking him about his bike and how he likes it compared to the R1200Rt - and then asked him if he wanted to come see me go really fast on the weekend, at road Atlanta

Has anyone ever received a warning from a motorcycle cop?
I too have never been pulled over by one, but I have a great story and this came from the cop himself. I have a BMW and have met a motor cop from a city near Houston a few times waiting for service at my dealer. The sales guy at the dealer started talking to us about his experience with cops while riding.

After sharing some fun stories the cop tells us about a motorcycle he pulled over doing 102 mph on a sport bike. The rider takes his helmet off and hands the officer his drivers license. The officer sees that the guy is 62 years old. So he says "at you age I doubt if a lecture is going to do any good" and hands him his license back and tells him to be careful!
"Sorry officers I didn't know you were back there, I couldn't hear you over the engine and not many people can keep up so I don't check my mirrors often." Just kidding :)

I got pulled over for going 75-80 (SL=65) on highway 5 in San Diego. I thought it was really odd since that is the normal flow for traffic here. He gave me a lecture about lane splitting being dangerous and if an accident were to happen while I was lane splitting it was automatically my fault. I hadn't been splitting lanes at the time and I explained that I followed CHP guidelines about lane splitting at all times and am even dressed in fluorescent yellow. I was nice, took out the key, and took off my helmet. He still gave me a ticket. I did a trial by written declaration and explained that he couldn't have known my speed by the method he stated on the ticket (pacing method) as he couldn't have possibly been following me for the time necessitated by CHP to do an accurate speed estimate. GoPro collaborated my story and the ticket disappeared.

You really have no choice but to fight a ticket even if you were wrong, insurance rates go up astronomically if you get a speeding ticket. Technically I was speeding, but it wouldn't have been safe to go 65 with all the other cars whizzing past me at 75-80. Especially given the completely myopic drivers in San Diego.
Years ago I was riding with another guy from the south side of Ft. Wayne to the North side, we hopped on I-69, which I had taken south earlier in the day.. I had noticed that a construction crew putting up the orange construction barrels. So anyway on the trip north as you would expect the cagers cannot figure out the one lane deal and traffic comes to a measly 35-40mph pace in an otherwise 65 or 70 MPH zone.. Well I got bored and looked first to see if I could see any cops cars, none in sight. All systems are a go for orange construction barrel slaloming.. Jump ahead 3 miles after the barrels disappear an Officer pulls us over.. Proceeds to get out of the cars and say "which one of you was slaloming those barrels back there??" My buddy "it wasn't me!!" me under my breath "Thanks for throwing me under the bus!" Then me to the Officer, "Well sir I could lie but I'm not going to, It was me!!" License and Registration tango, Officer walks back to his car with my L+R, gets in and proceeds to put the car in Reverse and backs up nearly a quarter mile, at the time my buddy and I start looking at each other wondering if he was pulling a SuperTroopers on us or what. 20 minutes go by and he comes back up, Thinking I'm headed for the slammer at this point. Hands me my L+R back with a written warning, and a I am glad you are wearing proper gear, and that you shouldn't do what you were doing as there could be a chunk of the road missing..

I am a firm believer that if you tell the truth and remain calm, cool, collected, officers are much nicer when handing out your punishment, whether you get the full ticket, knocked down ticket, written warning, or the verbal warning..
I am a motorcycle cop in my hometown. I have a set of guidelines I usually follow. I generally won't stop you until your are about 15 or more over the limit depending on type of road and traffic. I try to stop the people that are creating hazards to themselves and others.

If they know a cop it usually will not get them out of a ticket. If a cop calls me and says "hey, you wrote my (whatever) a ticket, could you drop that for me." I almost always void it or make it a warning.

In my two years as a mojoc I think I've stopped 3-4 bikes. And only one crotch rocket. Whether I'm in the city or on a highway I stop family type cars the most, i.e. SUV's, 4 door trucks and cars. I almost never stop somebody that was just "joyriding".

I do not have a quota. If I see somebody that needs a ticket, I stop them. Sometimes I write ten tickets, other days I'll come in with 5-6. I do work a lot of overtime from state grants, so warnings at those times are rare.

Above all I try to be reasonable. And I do appreciate a good attitude, but I pretty much know if I'm going to write you no matter what your disposition.

That's my take on it, hope that helps.
me: hello state farm, i need insurance for my panigale?
agent: ok mr. steele, that will be $40 per month, any tickets?
me: i dunno, can't remember, probably not.
agent: well, let me just run a report on your dl.....
agent: and....looks like you have one ticket....last year.....74 in a 45?
me: <silence> <all of a sudden remembers the ticket on my ss800>
agent: adjusting your rate now....
agent: ok, no change to your rate, would you like me to get you set up?
me: yes please! :)
State Farm does seem to be a little easier on tickets, as long as it's just one on three years
I do not have a quota. If I see somebody that needs a ticket, I stop them. Sometimes I write ten tickets, other days I'll come in with 5-6. I do work a lot of overtime from state grants, so warnings at those times are rare.

Quotas do exist in some departments though, correct?
I can't speak for every department in the US, but I would be confident in saying its not common practice.

With one caveat; you are held responsible for a work product. Don't believe a department is going to pay to train and equip you, give you a salary and have you sit with your thumb in your ass with blinders on all day.

Luckily, we have enough serious problems here. Traffic tickets are the least of the worries. We have a dedicated traffic unit, and their Harleys top out at maybe 125 MPH. ;)
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You will never "officially" hear any Dept admitting to Quotas.
It may be something passed out to you at Roll Call - the Patrol Sgt saying "Hey I want at least 5 Motor Vehicle violations from you today!" or even better - you get assigned to something called "Directed Enforcement" in a certain location that has been reported to the Dept as a major violation issue (from a citizen up thru the Chief etc)

You go to this location either in an unmarked cruiser or not, and sit there for a period of time doing nothing but writing tickets on the violations you observe.
**I used to sit at a 4 way stop sign intersection which was literally 50 feet from an elementary school and people would run stop signs in all 4 directions like it wasnt even there!! Therefore, due to this being a "safety hazard" it was generally a ticket, not warning - however, these often depend on how incredibly blatant and ridiculous the attempt to stop was too!

Another story...................? :)
You will never "officially" hear any Dept admitting to Quotas.

One of the foster kids that came through our house growing up actually did good and ended up as a cop in Columbus,Oh.

I was bs'ig with him last year and mentioned quotas. Like you they didn't have hard ones but were expected to stay busy when not responding to calls. So i asked him what he liked to ding people for. He said as soon as the weather would get ...... he would hit the local malls. If he was bored he could write 8 hours worth of handicapped parking spot tickets every time.

Big money for the city...yet ......... still park there without a card/sticker.

Hell....when I leave the gym I go through two school zones. I always run 16-18mph. The number of times cars fly by me is insane. The cops are always hiding at one end or the other. Once again.............

Way off topic....
What did you do in the Corps Gunny?

me: you cant be a real cop
officer(angry): what you you mean???
me: i mean, is this a prank? you are really pretty. you cant be a real cop

worked twice on lady officers

the other 5 times i got pulled over by male officer: kick stand down, key on rear seat, helmet and glove off, politely admitted my wrong doing and apologized - ZERO TICKET!

also worth noting that ATGATT does help the situation
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