Okay, what I should have stated to avert you guys jumping all over me and the issue - was "that there are many folks who will use their relationship with a fellow Officer as a possible line or excuse (i.e. "name dropping" to perhaps get themselves out of a possible ticket" And don't think for one second that this doesnt happen.
Does it mean you are admitting guilt?
Does it infer that said Officer will be your way to get out of a ticket?
Thats only for YOU guys to decide, and is a matter of opinion.
Is there anyone else who replied here a former or current LEO?
If so then feel free to explain your experience with this topic and matter.
All I did was tell you guys what MY experience from 8 years "on the job" was like when it came to having to pull people over for anything traffic related. Also, whenever I had stopped a motorcyclist I did not want them to do ANYTHING AT ALL except shut off the damn engine. NOT remove your helmet, not drop keys anywhere, NOT say anything until asked and after producing all required paperwork. EVERY LEO has their "pet peeve" when it comes to motor vehicle violations EVERY DAMN ONE OF THEM. They ALL have their own gauge of what speed OVER the posted speed limit is permissible within their own personal discretion, and what speed they consider to be TOO FAST over it- thus resulting in them pulling out from wherever they are parked to take the time to catch up to you and activate their motor vehicle stop procedure. Do you all know what their "aisle of safety" is too? Or why or when they choose approach you on the driver or passenger side? Or what the responsibilities are for the "Contact Officer vs Cover Officer?" If so, then Im sure you know what TO DO and what NOT TO.
It seems that EVERY one of you have your own way of reacting when stopped. So if these things work for you - go ahead and continue to do so until you end up meeting the one Officer who doesn't appreciate the actions you take, or isn't impressed or understands why you did something unusual.
Bottom line is we will ALL end up being stopped at some point in our lives whether within a car or on your bike. What I did was give you a point of view from the OTHER SIDE OF THE DRIVER SEAT. If you don't agree with anything Ive said- thats absolutely fine as I take no offense, but please don't flame me for the words I wrote, or read into them as "How To" get out of a ticket here-since they were NOT intended to be construed that way whatsoever.
And for the record - I am FAR from a hypocrite when I DO ride my own bike! I don't know anyone who rides a Superbike within the posted speed limits regardless if its a country backroad or highway (or freeway depending on your location within the US-or OCONUS) So take what you wish from my posted info and do whatever it is you do.
And to end on another story for you all:
I worked a District on a very busy stretch of road where on weekends EVERYONE came to show off old model cars, congregated at various businesses along the 5 mile stretch, and of course had TONS of people who chose to do WICKED burnouts and smoke shows on both cars and bikes. It was utter chaos and rocket heaven for any Officer who wanted to go nuts writing everything they saw!
As I exited a 7-11 with my Buy One Get one Free Gatorade in uniform and was walking toward the cruiser. I passed a bunch of parked sport bike guys engaging them in brief conversation about how nice looking some of their bikes were. At the same time, two bikes out on the roadway stood themselves straight up in simultaneous stand up wheelies passing me standing there holding my Gatorade. The group of bikers screamed at me "Hey aren't you gonna go get those guys for that??!" since they couldnt believe I stood there watching these two guys up on their pegs vertical.
I turned to them laughing and simply said "Hell no! Not only were those two awesome wheelies but one of them was a Ducati 996 too!" I pulled out of the lot leaving them totally speechless and in shock over what I just said! ------So flame away folks!