Everyone who does the "progress is not a Ducati" doesn't have the slightest clue what a Ducati is.If it's not Desmo, if it's not trellis-frame, if it's not blah blah...
Ducati has been #1 the cutting edge of design and technology since the 1960's. Always changing, always progressing. There is a long list of 1sts including the first to use aerodynamics in racing, now first to apply F1 thinking downforce aerodynamics in racing. The list goes on and on. This is despite the fact that Ducati makes around 55,000 bikes a year while Honda makes 400 million-units for cumulative global motorcycle annual production. Honda and Yamaha FOLLOW Ducati's lead. Can you even get how profound that is?
What is Ducati behind on? Electric motorcycles. Ya. That is the future and Ducati is way behind. Her cousin Lamborghini as well as neighbor Ferrari are both doing electric hybrids which are WAY faster than all gas power. If you want to criticize something real, go there. All that said, IMHO the V4 2019, V2 Panigale is one of the most f'ing sex bikes ever dreamed up and designed. Asian aesthetic is for sure, without a doubt, another thing, and not my taste in bikes.
And now, I will rant in Italian because, VAI A CAGARE IDIOTA!
Dio mio che brutta merde Yamaha fa. Cagatte dopo cagatta! Almeno una Honda posso guardare, ma per favore, un Yam sembra un insetto storto con quelling occhione alla mosca. Ma che sai tu? Se vuoi piangere di tech-progress piangere di BMW che fa delle moto che stanno su sensa pilota. Cristo. Un electric shopping cart. Va beh, for the masses it can be ok. But for beauty, passion, piloting balls-to-the wall, I'll take a Ducati any day thank you. Grazie. Made by hand in Italy, not shity china factory ..... Ciao.