Hello everyone! Guys, please help me! My Panigale V4S behaves very strangely, at high revs when slowly opening the throttle the motorcycle makes strange sounds, similar to hum and bubbling, it seems that the sound comes from the exhaust system and the fuel tank, when I open the throttle this sound appears, and if I keep the throttle slightly open this sound is constant, and when at high revs I open the gas the motorcycle makes this sound and starts to go with a delay and a sharp jerk. I also noticed that the motorcycle began to go very badly, it lacks power, as if something is holding it or there is not enough fuel, especially in first gear there is very little torque and power, on the Bapro dyno the motorcycle showed 197 engine horsepower. The motorcycle has T800 firmware and Termignoni D184 exhaust. I may be wrong, but this problem appeared after the service removed my fuel tank to install a carbon engine covers, I had problems with the smell of gasoline, I was told that the Evap hose was not connected well, they fixed it, but the motorcycle behaves as if in low power emergency mode, please help me!))