Riders keeping it between the lines

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A federal charge for speeding? I'm aware of no federal law (Title 18) which would codify speeding as an offense. Maybe there's something for Indian reservations, I'm not sure.

Well, actually, the Assimilative Crimes Act adopts the state violation in which the federal property lies and makes it a federal crime by reference. For example, if committing an impaired driving offense on the Blue Ridge Parkway upon that portion of the Parkway which lies within the territorial boundary of North Carolina, you will be charged in federal court under the NC impaired driving statute. See 18 USC Sec. 13. I see federal cops enforcing speed limits on federal property all of the time. My buddy got pulled on his Aprilia two weekends ago.

And I believe that the Eastern Band of Cherokees have adopted most of Chapter 20 of the NC General Statutes which deals with traffic violations.

Anywho, there’s no such thing as a class B felony in NC (but there’s a B1 and a B2 classification) and so I was curious as to where his friend got in trouble.
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Well, actually, the Assimilative Crimes Act adopts the state violation in which the federal property lies and makes it a federal crime by reference.

That's a little into the weeds. I mean, the difference is in what institution (state or fed) you'd be doing your time, but the feds aren't going to send a rider to Marion on a speeding ticket.

I thought it was a Georgia thing. I don't know how NC classifies offenses.
That's a little into the weeds. I mean, the difference is in what institution (state or fed) you'd be doing your time, but the feds aren't going to send a rider to Marion on a speeding ticket.

I thought it was a Georgia thing. I don't know how NC classifies offenses.

^^^ Sorry to get into the weeds. :)

I agree that almost no one is going to serve a jail sentence for a simple speeding violation.
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@JDJ No worries, you are right though. I had a class recently where the instructor spoke about law and the reservations. Its layered complexity for sure.

On this dude...

On March 16, at a general court-martial convened at Vicenza, Italy, Sgt. 1st Class Eugene McMahel was convicted by a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of attempted sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value, one specification of disobeying a commissioned officer, one specification of recklessly operating a vehicle, three specifications of sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value, two specifications of assault consummated by battery, two specifications of assault consummated by battery upon a child, one specification of aggravated assault upon a child, three specifications of adultery, and one specification of obstructing justice. McMahel was sentenced to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to forfeit all pay and allowances, to be confined for 720 days, and to be discharged from the service with a bad conduct discharge.
Im amazed the squids havent totally ...... a cool road, surely its crawling with cops now?

It is. The speed limit used to be 45 in the late 70's.

Way back when at deals gap, grandma would steam you a ham on rye with swiss and grandpa would sell you a fishing license. Like Bryson City, crushed cars where erosion control along the river heading up to Robbinsville/Santeetla.
@JDJ No worries, you are right though. I had a class recently where the instructor spoke about law and the reservations. Its layered complexity for sure.

On this dude...

On March 16, at a general court-martial convened at Vicenza, Italy, Sgt. 1st Class Eugene McMahel was convicted by a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of attempted sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value, one specification of disobeying a commissioned officer, one specification of recklessly operating a vehicle, three specifications of sodomy for the purpose of receiving a thing of value, two specifications of assault consummated by battery, two specifications of assault consummated by battery upon a child, one specification of aggravated assault upon a child, three specifications of adultery, and one specification of obstructing justice. McMahel was sentenced to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to forfeit all pay and allowances, to be confined for 720 days, and to be discharged from the service with a bad conduct discharge.

This is Max Wrist??
Skip to 3:00...I wouldn't ride with this guy or with anyone who does.

Max Wrist 100% caused that accident. Overtook the other rider, pulled into his space, leaving no room, then broke hard in front of him. He literally went looking for the guy.

'Max Wrist' is a fully appropriate name for him. ....... Bellend would also be a good name.
Max Wrist 100% caused that accident. Overtook the other rider, pulled into his space, leaving no room, then broke hard in front of him. He literally went looking for the guy.

'Max Wrist' is a fully appropriate name for him. ....... Bellend would also be a good name.

Easy there Rick, MAx Wrist is fast at COTA. He does 2:27s according to helmetcam.
Easy there Rick, MAx Wrist is fast at COTA. He does 2:27s according to helmetcam.

Probably dive bombed every rider on track before getting taken out by a mini cooper.


If he is the guy that was dishonorably discharged, probably the only way he has to make a living is to do stuff like this for social media...

Possibly. Punitive discharge (‘bad conduct’ or ‘dishonorable’) occurs only after conviction at courts martial, and often involves a federal felony.

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