A federal charge for speeding? I'm aware of no federal law (Title 18) which would codify speeding as an offense. Maybe there's something for Indian reservations, I'm not sure.
Well, actually, the Assimilative Crimes Act adopts the state violation in which the federal property lies and makes it a federal crime by reference. For example, if committing an impaired driving offense on the Blue Ridge Parkway upon that portion of the Parkway which lies within the territorial boundary of North Carolina, you will be charged in federal court under the NC impaired driving statute. See 18 USC Sec. 13. I see federal cops enforcing speed limits on federal property all of the time. My buddy got pulled on his Aprilia two weekends ago.
And I believe that the Eastern Band of Cherokees have adopted most of Chapter 20 of the NC General Statutes which deals with traffic violations.
Anywho, there’s no such thing as a class B felony in NC (but there’s a B1 and a B2 classification) and so I was curious as to where his friend got in trouble.
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