Sorry RSR if you were referring to me in your initial posting. All you guys are cool as hell. With the exception of a few who seek adversity and others who just dont get it when it comes to these bikes. This is my response to this thread on female names, just as I started my own called "Why is it a she?" Recall it?
As I've asked before, and disagree with this concept, why does this masculine demon of machinery require a female name? Do you really talk to it and call it by this created name? Do you truly tell all your relatives and friends about the new addition to your family and introduce them to your bike by calling it by name? Yes I am aware that for many years men have labeled their cars and other inamitate objects as "her" & "she" but this is simply not reality.
When you meet other Ducati riders, or even any motorcyclist, do you ask what they named their bikes and introduce them all around to each other? Is it possible for one bike to somehow introduce itself to another bike? If so it would be a serious lesbian orgy or chicken fight depending on how they got along with each other. I just wont fall for this argument or even refer to my Tri Color as anything female, EVER! Just my choice gents.
With all this being said I will also not place a male name to this awesome piece of equipment so no .... jokes about me riding my male long, hard, and continuous in hot sweaty weather! -lol. Curious. If there are female Ducati riders reading this long drawn out post, what os it that you refer to your bike as? Is it a she still or would it be a he? Do tell please!
To each his own on how they decide to break in their new bikes or what oil they choose within it. Its YOUR bike and you do what you see fit gents. Meanwhile, if we ever end up meeting one another on the road or at an event, I will be the one who simply refers to my work of art as "IT"
Ps. I've spoken with my Tri and it is completely fine with being called "It"
Thanks for reading my late night rant while my Ambien starts to kick in. I pray that you are all staying safe out there, riding within your limits, trick your bikes out with every accessory man made and get compliments galore on IT wherever you may roam!
Semper Fi my fellow members!! Hope you all know what that means in latin btw. If not Google it up when your done tucking "her" in for a good nights rest!!